The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Section 1: Part 5", what does the narrator say his priest told him about thoughts as a child?
(a) That they could be sins.
(b) That they were owned by God.
(c) That they should be written down.
(d) That they were never good.

2. How did Myles interrupt the narrator the first time he was alone with Mrs. Grace?
(a) He said he was hurt.
(b) He was chasing a dog.
(c) He wanted to use the phone.
(d) He wanted something to eat.

3. What does the narrator say at the end of "Section 1: Part 6"?
(a) That he is almost there.
(b) That he will never go there.
(c) That he has always been there.
(d) That there isn't real.

4. Why does the narrator like to remember the Grace family in "Section 1: Part 1"?
(a) He feels like they owe him something.
(b) He has fond memories of them.
(c) He is afraid of them.
(d) He married into their family.

5. What does the narrator say he likened Mrs. Grace's body to as a teenager?
(a) A movie star.
(b) A flower.
(c) A Greek goddess.
(d) A fountain.

6. Overall, how does the narrator describe his feelings for Avril?
(a) Angry.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Interested.
(d) Pleasant.

7. In "Section 1: Part 2", what does the narrator wonder about himself?
(a) Is he rich?
(b) Is he troubled?
(c) Is he obsessive?
(d) Is he loved?

8. Where does the narrator say he took his daughter for tea after leaving the farm in "Section 1: Part 3"?
(a) A hotel.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) His house.
(d) A museum.

9. What makes the narrator think of Van Gogh's self-portraits in "Section 1: Part 6"?
(a) His research.
(b) His own reflection.
(c) A note from his daughter.
(d) He sees a copy of one in a paper.

10. In "Section 1: Part 1", what makes the narrator question Colonel Blunden's health?
(a) His limp.
(b) His trips to the bathroom.
(c) The way he cries at night.
(d) The visits his daughter has been making.

11. What nationality is the painter, Bonnard?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Dutch.
(c) French.
(d) English.

12. How does the narrator feel during his dream in "Section 1: Part 2"?
(a) Confused.
(b) Content.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Sad.

13. Where does the narrator say he hid with Mrs. Grace while playing a game at the picnic?
(a) Under a table.
(b) In the bushes.
(c) Behind a tree.
(d) Inside an empty building.

14. How does the narrator describe Miss Vavasour's appearance?
(a) Short.
(b) Overly made-up.
(c) Young looking.
(d) Well-dressed.

15. What was the daughter doing the first time the narrator saw her at the Grace house?
(a) Cleaning.
(b) Reading.
(c) Playing.
(d) Sleeping.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Section 1: Part 3", what does the narrator say he once argued with Claire about?

2. When does the narrator say Bonnard painted self-portraits?

3. What does the narrator say Anna feared about being bald?

4. At the end of "Section 1: Part 6", what does the narrator hear?

5. What makes the narrator's bed interesting to him?

(see the answer keys)

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