The Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the residents of The Cedars do after Bun leaves in "Section 2: Part 4"?
(a) Laugh.
(b) Go their separate ways.
(c) Take a walk.
(d) Sit down to talk about her.

2. How does the narrator say Chloe treated Rose after her confession of love for Mr. Grace?
(a) With more kindness.
(b) She ignored her.
(c) With cruelty.
(d) She began to order her around.

3. What does the narrator say Chloe reminds him about the world?
(a) That the world is in control.
(b) That the world lives in harmony with humans.
(c) That humans are ill-tempered.
(d) That humans are separate.

4. What does the narrator compare his brandy bottle to in "Section 2: Part 6"?
(a) A baby bottle.
(b) A pacifier.
(c) A blanket.
(d) A reward.

5. Who does the narrator say complained about Anna's hospital photographs?
(a) The hospital staff.
(b) Anna's friend.
(c) The patients' families.
(d) He did.

6. Why is the narrator uncomfortable one morning in "Section 2: Part 6"?
(a) Because he is hungover.
(b) Because he has a bump on his head.
(c) Because he has a terrible rash.
(d) Because his foot had been run over.

7. Where was Anna when she learned the narrator's real name?
(a) In the hospital.
(b) At work.
(c) On vacation.
(d) At home.

8. Why does the narrator say Anna felt pity for him as she was dying?
(a) Because he didn't understand.
(b) Because he had to care for her.
(c) Because he would be left alone with Claire.
(d) Because he couldn't hate her.

9. Who does the narrator say developed Anna's pictures for her?
(a) Claire.
(b) Her friend.
(c) He did.
(d) A hospital nurse.

10. What does the narrator admit about Anna's moment of death in "Section 2: Part 6"?
(a) He was drunk.
(b) He wasn't there.
(c) He was sleeping when she died.
(d) He can't remember it.

11. What does the narrator say Chloe did when she accepted his love?
(a) Told all her friends.
(b) Started sneaking out of the house at night.
(c) Wrote him poems.
(d) Gave nothing in return.

12. What does Miss Vavasour tell the narrator about his bed in "Section 2: Part 2"?
(a) That he needs a new bed.
(b) That he messes up his bed.
(c) That its always been in the house.
(d) That he makes his own bed.

13. Who does the narrator say comforted Chloe after her argument with Rose at the beach?
(a) Mrs. Grace.
(b) Myles.
(c) Rose.
(d) Himself.

14. Why does the narrator say he was so upset to discover the broken bird's eggs as a child?
(a) Because there were chicks inside.
(b) Because eggs are perfect.
(c) Because it proved how cruel the world is.
(d) Because he had discovered those eggs.

15. Why does the narrator say Rose and Chloe got into an argument at the beach one day?
(a) Because Chloe was bossing Rose around.
(b) Because Rose yelled at Chloe.
(c) Because Rose wanted money.
(d) Because Chloe wouldn't listen to Rose.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Claire tell the narrator about Jerome in "Section 2: Part 6"?

2. How long does the narrator say it felt like it took when he moved into The Cedars?

3. Why does the narrator say he sought a relationship with Anna?

4. In "Section 2: Part 6", what does Miss Vavasour confess to the narrator?

5. Where does the narrator say Chloe found another boy to torture with her love?

(see the answer keys)

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