The Screaming Staircase Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screaming Staircase Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III: The Necklace Chapter 9 - 12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 12, what experience does Lucy have when she touches the necklace?
(a) She hears the ghost-girl's voice speaking to her.
(b) She gains insight into Annabel Ward's past.
(c) She feels a sense of serenity and peace.
(d) She is overwhelmed by a range of intense emotions.

2. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 7, how does George respond when Lucy asked about Lockwood's parents?
(a) He warns Lucy not to ask Lockwood about his parents.
(b) He offers detailed information about their fate.
(c) He changes the subject and asked for a quick conversation.
(d) He suggests using Lucy's psychic sensitivity to find out more.

3. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 9, why does Lockwood and Lucy end up in the bushes during the chaos?
(a) They are trying to escape the collapsing roof.
(b) They are hiding from the ghost.
(c) They are attempting to rescue Mr. and Mrs. Hope.
(d) They are seeking shelter from the fire.

4. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 9, what does George tell Lucy about Lockwood's current situation?
(a) Lockwood is taken away by the police.
(b) Lockwood is waiting for Lucy at Scotland Yard.
(c) Lockwood is at the hospital.
(d) Lockwood is unharmed and resting at home.

5. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 7, what is the purpose of the Polynesian ghost-chaser?
(a) To drive away spirits with its sound.
(b) To communicate with the dead.
(c) To protect against supernatural entities.
(d) To ward off bad luck.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 12, how does Lockwood plan to deal with the necklace?

2. In Part I: The Ghost, Chapter 1, how does the Mortlake Horror haunting end?

3. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 5, when did the haunting epidemic start according to Lucy?

4. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 8, how does Lockwood suggest Mr. Potter should handle the situation with his granddaughter?

5. In Part I: The Ghost, Chapter 4, what is the purpose of the Greek Fire canister?

(see the answer key)

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