The Screaming Staircase Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screaming Staircase Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III: The Necklace Chapter 13 - 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 11, where does Lucy seek refuge when she realizes she is not alone?
(a) Behind the door.
(b) Under the bed.
(c) In the wardrobe.
(d) On the spare bed.

2. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 11, what purpose does the ghost-lamp serve?
(a) To discourage Visitors from lingering, to make the roads safer at night, and to provide reassurance to the public.
(b) To provide light.
(c) To provide peace.
(d) To keep the Source from entering the city.

3. In Part I: The Ghost, Chapter 3, how does Lockwood respond to Lucy's calls?
(a) He immediately comes to her aid in the study-bedroom.
(b) He grows annoyed with her repeated calls for him.
(c) He remains occupied with something interesting he found.
(d) He dismisses her concerns and continues investigating.

4. In Part I: The Ghost, Chapter 4, what do the majority of Sources in hauntings tend to be associated with?
(a) Personal organic remains.
(b) Prized possessions of the Visitor when alive.
(c) The exact location of a crime.
(d) Objects intimately connected to sudden deaths.

5. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 9, how does Lucy describe her injuries after being treated at the hospital?
(a) Broken bones and severe burns.
(b) Concussion and internal bleeding.
(c) Minor bruises and a twisted ankle.
(d) Deep cuts and a sprained arm.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 12, why does Lockwood's mood worsen after the events of the night?

2. In Part II: The Hall ,Chapter 8, what is the initial classification of the ghostly presence in Mr. Potter's garage?

3. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 16, who interrupts the team's discussion by calling on the phone?

4. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 15, why does Lockwood and Co. stop in the middle of the road in Mayfair?

5. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 13, why has Lucy not been a big reader as a child?

(see the answer key)

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