The Screaming Staircase Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screaming Staircase Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Stroud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: The Hall Chapter 21 - 24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 6, what is the reason Lucy Carlyle gives for not having brought any doughnuts?
(a) She forgot to buy them.
(b) The previous candidate took them all.
(c) She doesn't like doughnuts.
(d) George told her about the daily deliveries.

2. In Part II: The Hall,Chapter 6, why does George seem unconvinced about Lucy during the interview?
(a) He does not believe in her psychic abilities.
(b) He believes she will run away.
(c) He is not interested in hiring a girl.
(d) He thinks she is too young for the job.

3. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 16, how does Lockwood describe Lucy's Talent?
(a) Essential for their work as ghost hunters.
(b) Too sensitive and close to the ghosts.
(c) Incompatible with being a trusted agent.
(d) Dangerous and unpredictable.

4. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 15, why does Lockwood and Co. stop in the middle of the road in Mayfair?
(a) They see a ghost drifting along a tree-lined avenue.
(b) They are lost and need to figure out their way home.
(c) They sense the presence of a murderer.
(d) They encounter a terrifying spirit.

5. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 5, what precautions are taken to prevent the ghost of Lucy's father from returning?
(a) Following the government's Untimely Death regulations.
(b) Scattering iron on the tracks where the accident occurred, placing silver coins on the corpse's eyes, and hanging an iron charm around its neck.
(c) Conducting conventional investigations and seeking the best operatives.
(d) Setting up defences with lavender candles and hanging charms.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part II: The Hall, Chapter 8, what is the problem the gentleman, Mr. Potter, has with his garage?

2. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 14, how does Lockwood and his team identify the restless suicide in the garden?

3. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 14, what is the purpose of Lockwood and Co.'s battle with the terrifying spirit?

4. In Part III: The Necklace, Chapter 16, why does the protagonist believe the necklace is important to Hugo Blake?

5. In Part IV: The Hall, Chapter 23, what does Lockwood realize about John William Fairfax?

(see the answer key)

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