The Promise Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Promise Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Against what does Kalman fight?

2. What does Kalman do in protest about the planned changes at his school?

3. What does Reuven resist that Michael is saying?

4. For what is Reuven preparing?

5. What does Michael perceive about many things?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Danny tell Reuven and what is Reuven's reaction?

2. What does Michael say about Rav Kalman's article?

3. What does Reuven tell his father about his meetings with Rav Kalman and what is David Malter's response?

4. What is the impact of David Malter's book and Kalman's ensuing article on the Yeshiva where David teaches?

5. What does Danny give Michael and what does Michael say about it to Reuven?

6. What does Danny's father want to learn and what is his reaction when Reuven tells him?

7. What explanation does Kalman offer for his attack on Greenfield the day before in class?

8. What do Reuven and Gordon discuss when they meet in this chapter?

9. How is David Malter's recent book release still affecting the community?

10. About what is Reuven's father happy?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Reuven asks his father about Kotzker, who it turns out is an eccentric rabbi who has shut himself up in a room for twenty years and has disagreements with many Hasidic sects.

Discuss the following:

1. Research the historical Kotzker Rebbe and write an informative essay on him and how the historical facts match up with what is said in The Promise.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a scholar isolating himself for twenty years.

3. Can you ever think of a reason you would isolate yourself for twenty years?

4. Relate the anecdote about Kotzker Rebbe to the theme of silence in the Promise. What other situations are related to the theme of silence? Who tries to silence other? Why?

Essay Topic 2

Kalman picks on Reuven by having him read Gemora aloud and critiques his interpretations. Reuven reads Kalman's book on ethics. Discuss the following:

1. What is ethics? How do you think the topic figures in during the telling of The Promise?

2. Why do you think Kalman is picking on Reuven in class?

3. Do you think it is ironic that Kalman wrote a book on ethics and yet he obviously picks on a student just because Kalman sees him with someone with whom Kalman disagrees?

4. Discuss the major characters (Kalman, Reuven, Danny, Professor Gordon, Michael Gordon and David Malter) and tell why you think each is ethical or not, giving one example for each to illustrate your point.

Essay Topic 3

Michael's character and his problems are intertwined with many of the other major characters. In chapter one, Michael's emotional problems are evident already. Discuss the following:

1. What foreshadowing takes place in chapter one about Michael, and where and how does the foreshadowing resolve itself?

2. Discuss which characters Michael in some way mirrors? How and why does he serve as a mirror? Give specific examples.

3. Define the concept of "foil" in a literary sense. Discuss which characters to whom Michael is a foil. How and why does he serve as a foil? Give specific examples.

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