The Promise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Promise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Reuven's response to one exam question shock the examiners?
(a) It reveals Reuven's lack of faith.
(b) It is radical beyond heterodoxy.
(c) It is in a scope and depth not expected by students.
(d) It suggests that the Talmud did not entirely contain the principles of its own interpretation.

2. According to David Malter, how do scribal errors influence his interpretation of texts?
(a) They render the texts useless.
(b) The errors are not mentioned by the narrator.
(c) The errors give him the authority to re-interpret words.
(d) They do not have any bearing on how he interprets texts.

3. How does David Malter react to the article Kalman writes about Malter's book?
(a) Outraged.
(b) Bitter.
(c) Saddened.
(d) Humorously.

4. What does Reuven take Danny on Friday?
(a) A copy of David Malter's book.
(b) A copy of Kalman's commentaries on David Malter's book.
(c) A written transcript of a conversation with Michael.
(d) An invitation to a theological discussion.

5. What does Reuven realize about Danny's work with Michael?
(a) It is motivated by deep compassion.
(b) It is ineffective.
(c) It is a shot in the dark.
(d) It is an attempt to justify Danny's own life choices.

6. What does Rav Kalman ask during Reuven's oral exams?
(a) To show the relation between two Jewish sects.
(b) A question that is not supposed to be asked.
(c) He refuses to ask Reuven a question.
(d) To explain David's book.

7. What concerns Rachel about the idea of marrying Danny?
(a) That her uncle would say no.
(b) That he would want to bring their children up in the same fashion in which he was raised.
(c) That Michael would be hurt.
(d) That Reuven would be hurt.

8. For what is Reuven preparing?
(a) To travel to a European Yeshiva.
(b) To visit Michael.
(c) His smicha examination.
(d) Marriage.

9. What does Kalman claim unravels and destroys the Talmud's authority?
(a) David Malter's claims that there are errors in the transcriptions of the Talmud.
(b) No having a definitive authority since WWII.
(c) Any scholar's insistence on breaking from traditional methods of interpretation.
(d) The Jews having had so much previous Talmudic work destroyed during WWII.

10. Why is Rav Kalman's orthodoxy so entrenched?
(a) No one knows why.
(b) Because he knows he is right.
(c) Because of the horrific events of the holocaust.
(d) Because of the beatings by his father when Rav Kalman is young.

11. What does Reuven read that infuriates him?
(a) A note from Rav Kalman to him.
(b) A letter from Michael to his father.
(c) The second half of Kalman's article about David Malter's book.
(d) A letter from Rachel to Danny.

12. What does Reuven tell Danny when he returns to Danny?
(a) That Reuven told Reb Saunders about Danny's involvement with Rachel.
(b) That Danny's father is very perturbed with Danny.
(c) That Danny's father is delighted to hear about Rachel.
(d) That Reuven is not going to see Michael anymore.

13. What does Kalman say he cannot do?
(a) Understand Reuven.
(b) Pass Reuven.
(c) Push Reuven away.
(d) Allow Reuven's heretics to influence others.

14. To whom does Reuven talk about Michael's actions?
(a) Mary and Danny.
(b) His father.
(c) Just Danny.
(d) A new psychiatrist at the hospital.

15. To whom does Kalman apologize?
(a) Greenfield.
(b) Danny.
(c) Professor Gordon.
(d) Reuven.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Abe Greenfield unprepared for class?

2. Against what does Kalman fight?

3. Where does Michael go when Reuven goes in the house?

4. Out of what does David think Kalman is acting?

5. What do Danny and Michael discuss at the opening to Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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