The Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kalman do in protest about the planned changes at his school?
(a) Threatens suicide.
(b) Moves to Israel.
(c) Stops coming to class.
(d) Leaves the United States for his homeland.

2. Who has been upset by Rav Kalman's article on David Malter's book?
(a) The orthodox immigrant faculty where David Malter works.
(b) Most of the reformists.
(c) No one; all know it is just the usualy academic give and take.
(d) Only the most extremist at Kalman's school.

3. What does Kalman claim unravels and destroys the Talmud's authority?
(a) David Malter's claims that there are errors in the transcriptions of the Talmud.
(b) No having a definitive authority since WWII.
(c) The Jews having had so much previous Talmudic work destroyed during WWII.
(d) Any scholar's insistence on breaking from traditional methods of interpretation.

4. Why is Michael taken away?
(a) For setting a fire and cutting Reuven.
(b) For slapping Rachel.
(c) For trying to slit his wrists.
(d) For screaming obscenities at other patients.

5. What does Kalman say he cannot do?
(a) Push Reuven away.
(b) Understand Reuven.
(c) Pass Reuven.
(d) Allow Reuven's heretics to influence others.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Reuven realize about Danny's work with Michael?

2. How do David Malter and Rav Kalman differ academically?

3. What is Abe Greenfield's area of expertise?

4. What does Kalman think Reuven wavers between?

5. What enrages Michael and causes him to organize a group of boys to try to get out of the treatment center?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Reuven and Professor Gordon discuss when Reuven visits him?

2. What is the difference in scholarly approaches between Kalman and Reuven's father.

3. What does Reuven think about the reason for orthodox Jews to become so stubborn?

4. How is David Malter's recent book release still affecting the community?

5. What does Danny give Michael and what does Michael say about it to Reuven?

6. What is Michael's recent disturbing behavior and what precipitated Michael's actions?

7. What small breakthrough happens with Michael, and what does his mother want?

8. What does Kalman say to Reuven about his smicha exam?

9. What does Reuven tell his father about his meetings with Rav Kalman and what is David Malter's response?

10. What does Danny's father want to learn and what is his reaction when Reuven tells him?

(see the answer keys)

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