The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Smith antagonize into joining them in their search for the rustlers/murderers?
(a) Art.
(b) Gil.
(c) Sparks.
(d) Osgood.

2. Why is Amigo so sure the group he saw was the rustlers?
(a) He recognized the brand on the cows.
(b) They had Kinkaid's horse with them.
(c) They were talking about the murder.
(d) They were heavily armed.

3. Who picks up his winnings for him?
(a) Moore.
(b) Art.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Canby.

4. Who is the first to become unconscious as a result?
(a) Gil.
(b) Art.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Canby.

5. Who becomes upset?
(a) Canby.
(b) Farley.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Famley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was his friend?

2. What does Canby do to save the unconscious man?

3. Who shot the man?

4. How far is it to the pass that it is believed the rustlers escaped through?

5. What does Farnley threaten to do if the men aren't ready soon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What news does a rider bring that raises hostilities towards newcomers especially from Farnley?

2. Who is the only man in sight when Gil and Art pull into Bridger's Wells?

3. What do Kinkaid and Farnley discover just before roundup?

4. Why do Art and Gil talk very little on the ride into Bridger's Wells?

5. Other than the houses that dot the landscape, what businesses exist in Bridger's Wells?

6. Why is Gil so angry and disappointed when he learns that Rose has already left Bridger's Wells?

7. Why have Art and Gil been away from Bridger's Wells for so long?

8. Why does Davies claim that lynch mobs are always wrong?

9. What causes the men to remount and renew their intention to hunt down the men responsible for the rustling and Kinkaid's murder?

10. What is Gil looking forward to most about getting back to Bridger's Wells this spring?

(see the answer keys)

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