The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Judge discover from talking to Greene?
(a) That he hadn't even seen Kinkaid first hand.
(b) That he was paid to spread rumors.
(c) That he was the son of one of the rustlers.
(d) That he was lying to them all.

2. Who is the first man to discuss revenge and action?
(a) Bartlett.
(b) Farnley.
(c) Osgood.
(d) Davies.

3. How far is it to the pass that it is believed the rustlers escaped through?
(a) Thirty miles.
(b) Twenty miles.
(c) Fifteen miles.
(d) Ten miles.

4. Why is Amigo so sure the group he saw was the rustlers?
(a) He recognized the brand on the cows.
(b) They had Kinkaid's horse with them.
(c) They were heavily armed.
(d) They were talking about the murder.

5. Who wins big?
(a) Gil.
(b) Canby.
(c) Farnley.
(d) Art.

6. How many rustlers did Amigo see?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

7. What do the rest of the men suggest to Farnley instead?
(a) That he wait for a new partner to be hired.
(b) That he remain until the killer is apprehended.
(c) That he rethink his decision to leave.
(d) That he wait for a posse to be formed.

8. What happens to end the poker game?
(a) New riders arrive.
(b) The hotel serves supper.
(c) Gil's money is gone.
(d) A fight breaks out.

9. Who becomes upset with Gil at the poker table?
(a) Art.
(b) Canby.
(c) Gil.
(d) Farnley.

10. How do the rest of the men in the saloon respond?
(a) They believe the town is all but dead now, too.
(b) They believe the killer should be lynched.
(c) They offer to ride with him.
(d) They think the Sheriff is a lout.

11. Who changes the attitude of the men waiting from a quarter of a mile away?
(a) Nate Bartlett.
(b) Jenny Grier.
(c) Gerald Tetley.
(d) Carl Bartlett.

12. Who does Gil ask for almost immediately?
(a) Rose Mapen.
(b) Rosy Pamen.
(c) Rosie Napen.
(d) Rose Marin.

13. Where was Sparks staying?
(a) In the stables.
(b) In the basement of the saloon.
(c) In the staff's quarters at the hotel.
(d) In the shed Davies used for storage.

14. What winning argument does Tetley have for leaving immediately?
(a) The rustlers are getting too far ahead.
(b) A storm is coming.
(c) The pass is long and small.
(d) They are armed and ready.

15. Why is Farnley even more agitated?
(a) His wife left him.
(b) He was cut off by Canby.
(c) His friend Kincaid was shot.
(d) He lost his job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Canby tell Art?

2. Why does Art worried about Gil at the poker game?

3. Who knocks Gil out?

4. Who picks up his winnings for him?

5. Where was the man shot?

(see the answer keys)

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