The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Mad Mitch paint for a living?
(a) He fears being a full time artist.
(b) He doesn't believe he has enough talent.
(c) Being a full time artist is too risky financially.
(d) He would rather teach.

2. Why has Joe Davies hired Andy?
(a) He has a more modern image.
(b) He is quite talented.
(c) He is older and more experienced.
(d) He is quite smart.

3. What is NOT the issue with Peter Usher's paintings at the gallery?
(a) They are priced incorrectly.
(b) They are too avant-garde.
(c) People don't like them.
(d) They are not selling.

4. What brings Julian back to Samantha's house?
(a) Sarah sent him to see about the rumors about Samantha.
(b) He wants to meet Tom.
(c) He wants her to invest in the gallery.
(d) He wants her to be the opener at the gallery.

5. What does Peter take from the supply room at Meunier's?
(a) Expensive pens.
(b) Forms.
(c) Paper clips.
(d) A rubber stamp and headed paper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peter believe about the artist and the collectors?

2. Why does Lipsey choose an inexpensive hotel room to stay in during his investigation?

3. What surprising statement does Samantha give Jimmy when he comes for an interview?

4. How does Peter get what he took from the supply room back to London?

5. What do the assistants wear at the Belgrave Art Gallery?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whose names does Mitch use to set up the bank accounts he and Peter will need? Why does he choose these names?

2. What lecture does Peter give his art students and why?

3. The opening of Julian's gallery is much tougher than he expected. How is Julian in need before he even opens the doors and what does he do about it? How does he fare in his quest?

4. Why does Peter go to work at Meunier's?

5. Why does Julian visit Samantha yet again and what does he observe about her and Tom?

6. How does Lipsey make his way into Dee's apartment?

7. What does Julian find when he returns home from selling Sarah's car, and how does he use it to his advantage?

8. How does the novel open? What characters are introduced? Where are they? Why are they there? What set-up is given right away about Dee and her future?

9. How does the reader know right away that Tom is going to be trouble for Samantha?

10. What information does the rabbi give Dee that will help her further her search?

(see the answer keys)

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