The Last Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The medical examiner determines that David Wilson did not die from injuries sustained in a fall, but from what?
(a) A heart attack.
(b) A knife wound.
(c) A crushed windpipe.
(d) A gunshot wound.

2. What is found hanging on a recently-vacated room in Levi's house?
(a) Playboy pictures.
(b) Newspaper headlines.
(c) Children's drawings.
(d) Take-out menus.

3. Who is Johnny's only friend?
(a) Mike.
(b) Seth.
(c) Evan.
(d) Jack.

4. What does Katherine do with the medications in her medicine chest?
(a) She flushes them in the commode.
(b) She puts them down the garbage disposal.
(c) She melts them in water.
(d) She throws them in the trash.

5. What does the man in #24 do when he sees the body of the dead man on the riverbank?
(a) Runs away.
(b) Sits down to await God's instructions.
(c) Screams for help.
(d) Calls the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the injured man on the riverbank say before he dies?

2. What is inside the box left on Katherine's doorstep for Johnny?

3. How much does the man who grabs Johnny in the forest weigh?

4. What has Detective Hunt been having nightmares about in Chapter 3?

5. What type of medication does Johnny find bottles of scattered in the bathroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Hunt find Johnny after a call from Louisa Sparrow? What are Johnny's plans for the day?

2. How does the author reveal that Johnny has broken another window in Ken's home?

3. What are some of the fears that Hunt experiences in both his personal and professional lives?

4. What happens when Johnny awakens from a nap under a bridge?

5. Why does Johnny commit acts of vandalism at Holloway's house?

6. Why is Levi the chief suspect in the deaths of his wife and her lover and why does the chief not believe that Levi's little daughter is missing?

7. Why is an arrest warrant issued for Levi Freemantle?

8. What is Levi's probation officer's opinion of whether or not Levi could be a murderer?

9. What binds Johnny and Detective Hunt?

10. What does Johnny's friend, Jack, say when Johnny asks him to repeat the details of Alyssa's abduction?

(see the answer keys)

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