The Last Child Test | Final Test - Easy

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Child Test | Final Test - Easy

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Holloway smash in his house when he was mad at the girl?
(a) His coffee table.
(b) His piano.
(c) His television.
(d) His bookcase.

2. Whose addresses are found in Spencer Merrimon's pocket?
(a) His brothers and sisters.
(b) His co-workers.
(c) Nine registered sex offenders.
(d) His ex-girlfriends.

3. Who is Trenton Moore?
(a) An architect.
(b) The coroner.
(c) A geologist.
(d) A professor.

4. What is on the sign at the mine where Levi says Alyssa is?
(a) No trespassing.
(b) No crossing.
(c) No. Croz.
(d) North Crossing.

5. Why do Yoakum and Hunt think that Johnny believes a cop was involved with Jarvis?
(a) Because the handcuffs were police equipment.
(b) Because the man wore a uniform.
(c) Because a badge was found near Jarvis' shed.
(d) Because he saw a police car at Jarvis' shack.

6. How is Levi killed?
(a) He drowns.
(b) He hangs himself.
(c) He is shot.
(d) He is strangled.

7. Who emerges from the woods to say he knows where Alyssa is?
(a) Jack.
(b) Yoakum.
(c) Hunt.
(d) Steve.

8. What does the old woman at the mall tell Hunt and Yoakum?
(a) Someone has stolen her can opener.
(b) She can't remember where she parked her car.
(c) She eats tuna for lunch every day.
(d) The cat she used to feed hasn't been around for awhile.

9. What does Officer Taylor hear when she arrives at Ken Holloway's house?
(a) A loud stereo.
(b) A woman crying.
(c) Gunshots.
(d) Dogs barking.

10. What does Hunt ask Allen when he awakens him at home?
(a) If he had gone out drinking.
(b) If he has anything he wants to talk about.
(c) If he wrecked Gerald's truck.
(d) If he went to school today.

11. Whose body does Levi need to bury?
(a) His friend's.
(b) His son's.
(c) His wife's.
(d) His daughter's.

12. Who does Hunt believe ran David Wilson over the bridge?
(a) Meechum.
(b) Ken.
(c) Cross.
(d) Jarvis.

13. Hunt and Yoakum have to meet with state investigators from where when they go to work the next day?
(a) Charlotte.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Greensboro.
(d) Raleigh.

14. What had fallen into the shaft prior to the body?
(a) The dog.
(b) The bicycle.
(c) The soccer ball.
(d) The wagon.

15. Why does Officer Cross forbid Jack and Gerald to speak of Alyssa's death?
(a) The kids at school would be rough on Jack.
(b) It would ruin Gerald's baseball career.
(c) Officer Cross would lose his job.
(d) Officer Cross would be put on unpaid leave.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the police chief believe that Yoakum killed Meechum?

2. What is Levi's answer when Johnny asks him where Alyssa is?

3. What is found in Spencer Merrimon's pocket?

4. What is Meechum doing when Hunt and Yoakum see him through a crack in his blinds?

5. What does Hunt want to find on a map of Raven County?

(see the answer keys)

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