The Jugurthine War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jugurthine War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jugurtha do against Metellus's army?
(a) Attacks the entire army.
(b) Runs from it.
(c) Small ambushes.
(d) Tries to subvert it from within.

2. What does Jugurtha tell his troops are one of their main advantages against the Romans?
(a) They have better weapons.
(b) They are fighting for their civil rights.
(c) They know the land.
(d) They are larger men.

3. What does Jugurtha do with his army?
(a) Kill Micipas.
(b) Take over complete control of his brother's territory.
(c) Take over a portion of Numidia.
(d) Invade Rome.

4. Where does Metellus leave his prisoners and his baggage?
(a) Cirta.
(b) Vacca.
(c) Zama.
(d) Thala.

5. What does the Senate decide to do about Adherbal's request?
(a) Divide Numidia between him and Jugurtha.
(b) To investigate Micipas's decree.
(c) To send a Roman governor to Numidia.
(d) To arrest Jugurtha.

6. How did the Africans under Micipas view Jugurtha?
(a) He was feared.
(b) He was very popular.
(c) He was not known.
(d) He was hated.

7. How does Rome feel about what Metellus is doing?
(a) Angry.
(b) Pleased.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Confused.

8. What does Jugurtha ask of King Bocchus?
(a) To attack Marius.
(b) To attack Rome with him.
(c) To fight the Romans with him.
(d) To hide him from Metellus.

9. What type of public positions, according to Sallust, are not desired by public servants?
(a) Those that require intelligence.
(b) Those that are high paying.
(c) Those that are low paying.
(d) Those that are dangerous.

10. What does Lucius Annius do about Jugurtha?
(a) Kills him.
(b) Kills Bomilcar.
(c) Joins up with him.
(d) Marches an army into Suthul.

11. What does Rome's feelings about Metellus motivate him to do?
(a) Plan for Jugurtha's assassination.
(b) Ask for more money.
(c) Withdraw back to Rome.
(d) Keep attacking Jugurtha.

12. What does the Senate decide is the reason Bocchus fights with Jugurtha?
(a) He hates the Romans.
(b) He was led astray.
(c) He was offered a lot of money.
(d) They don't decide, they don't care about the reason.

13. What group of people founded Hippo?
(a) The Greeks.
(b) The Phoenicians.
(c) The Romansm.
(d) The Persians.

14. What does the Senate give Metellus after he is elected?
(a) Numidia.
(b) The province of Gaul.
(c) Head of the civil service.
(d) Head of a powerful Senate committee.

15. What does Metellus offer Bohumilcar as a bribe?
(a) A lifetime position in the government.
(b) A pardon for murdering Massiva.
(c) A home in Rome.
(d) Five gold pieces.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jugurtha do to Hiempsal?

2. What does the Senate tell Adherbal to do after their representative in question #127 returns?

3. What do Jugurtha's troops do after Marius retreats?

4. What does Jugurtha think the Romans are likely to do with him?

5. What plan of Marius does Metellus scupper?

(see the answer keys)

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