The Golden State Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden State Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Kiesling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long had Daphne known Engin in Turkey, before her mother got sick and she returned home?
(a) 4 years.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 month.
(d) 3 years.

2. How did the board of supervisors vote on the State of Jefferson proposal?
(a) 2 for 1 for.
(b) 3 to 1 against.
(c) 5 to 1 for.
(d) 5 to 1 against.

3. Why does Daphne say that she wants to visit the town where Ellery died?
(a) To inform herself before she testifies to the school.
(b) To witness.
(c) To say a prayer for her there.
(d) To lay flowers at the site.

4. What topic does Daphne find, to break the ice with Alice?
(a) Altavista.
(b) Turkey.
(c) The weather.
(d) The State of Jefferson.

5. What is Alice’s relationship with Mark and Yarrow?
(a) They are her children.
(b) They are her friends and heirs to her estate.
(c) They are her neighbors.
(d) They are her ex-students.

6. What does Daphne say when Alice expresses concern about Daphne’s job in San Francisco?
(a) She can keep emailing them and buy time.
(b) She doesn’t care if she gets fired.
(c) She will fix everything when she gets back.
(d) She has a lot of personal time stored up.

7. What does Daphne say is her strategy for dealing with badness of her hangover?
(a) To take her mother’s hangover cure.
(b) To call Engin.
(c) To give thanks for what she has.
(d) To go out for breakfast.

8. What is it that Daphne dreads about going back to her job?
(a) Her distrust of Hugo, her boss.
(b) Throwing away her money on rent and daycare.
(c) Facing the inquiry about Ellery and Maryam.
(d) The traffic and the gentrification.

9. What message does Daphne send to Engin?
(a) Can you afford to fly me over?
(b) We are coming to you.
(c) This can’t go on.
(d) You need to come here.

10. Why does Cindy Cooper say her State of Jefferson colleague was arrested?
(a) Unpaid grazing fees.
(b) Firearms charges.
(c) Back taxes.
(d) Conspiracy to commit treason.

11. How long does Alice say she wants to be left alone for?
(a) Overnight.
(b) 1 hour.
(c) 1/2 a day.
(d) 2 hours.

12. Where does Daphne say she will take Honey after she sends Engin this message?
(a) To Turkey.
(b) Home.
(c) Away.
(d) The Wildlife Safari.

13. Why was Alice’s husband sent to Camp Cooville?
(a) He was a convict.
(b) He was a war prisoner.
(c) He was a conscientious objector during the war.
(d) He was a lumberjack.

14. How much does Daphne say health insurance will cost if she gives up her job and stays in the U.S.?
(a) $700 a month.
(b) $250 a month.
(c) $1,000 a month.
(d) $80 a month.

15. What does Daphne say she feels deserted by, when she walks home from Sal’s Café with Honey?
(a) Her family.
(b) Religion.
(c) Her marriage.
(d) Turkish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daphne do that gives her misgivings about her parenting after she drops Alice at Camp Cooville?

2. How does Daphne tell Hugo she will straighten out the situation caused by her absence?

3. Where do Daphne and Honey go for dinner after the board of supervisors meeting?

4. How long does Alice say she was married before her husband died?

5. What does Daphne say keeps her from asking Alice questions to keep conversation rolling on day six?

(see the answer keys)

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