The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 27: Watts, Chapter 28: Chicago Campaign.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. President Kennedy called Coretta Scott King and expressed concern for her husband on what date?
(a) 13 April 1963.
(b) 14 April 1963.
(c) 15 April 1963.
(d) 12 April 1963.

2. What did the State of California repeal?
(a) Its law preventing segregation in restaurants.
(b) Its law preventing racial discrimination in housing.
(c) Its law preventing racial discrimination in employment.
(d) Its law preventing segregation in schools.

3. King saw the rioting in Los Angeles as having arisen from what?
(a) From the hopelessness felt by many regarding their economic destitution.
(b) From despair over poverty which was inextricably linked with racial justice.
(c) From disheartenment culminating in masses due to brutal police tactics.
(d) From desperation many endure concerning race-related discrimination.

4. What was the purpose of King's 13-point written instructions from jail in Selma, Alabama, to movement associates in February, 1965?
(a) To register as many Selma blacks to vote as possible.
(b) To awaken Selma blacks' perspectives about the right to vote.
(c) To achieve the most success from peaceful demonstrations.
(d) To keep national attention focused on Selma.

5. What was it King's college training did, especially during his first two years?
(a) Brought many doubts to his mind.
(b) Brought some doubts, mostly answers to his mind.
(c) Erased many doubts from his mind.
(d) Reinforced many beliefs that he had.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the chapter about the Nobel Prize, King described his view of airline personnel and ranked which members as foremost?

2. What custom did King follow every Sunday morning?

3. How long did King have to prepare what he considered the most important speech of his life?

4. When did a Montgomery Grand Jury indict King and others on an antiboycott law?

5. What point did King stress to soon to be graduating students at a march on 18 April 1959?

(see the answer key)

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