The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7: Montgomery Movement Begins, Chapter 8: The Violence of Desperate Men.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Montgomery's Police Commissioner instructed taxi drivers not to do what during the bus boycott?
(a) Give free rides.
(b) Give blacks rides.
(c) Operate along bus routes.
(d) Give blacks discount fares.

2. King believed that, in order to advance forward, man had to step back and find what God?
(a) "Of social equality and the God that will last through the ages."
(b) "Of universal freedom and the God that will last through the ages."
(c) "Of the universe and the God that will last through the ages."
(d) "Of social justice and the God that will last through the ages."

3. When did King enter Boston University's School of Theology?
(a) 13 September 1951.
(b) 13 September 1952.
(c) 13 September 1950.
(d) 13 September 1953.

4. King's collegiate studies made him increasingly skeptical as he could not reconcile what?
(a) Many scientific facts with his beliefs.
(b) Many historical facts with scientific facts.
(c) Many historical facts with religion.
(d) Many scientific facts with religion.

5. What was it King admired most about his father?
(a) Genuine Christian character.
(b) Complete honesty.
(c) Genuine family commitment.
(d) Total religious devotion.

Short Answer Questions

1. King's experiences with the Intercollegiate Council convinced him there were many whites who were allies, particularly whom?

2. Coretta inherited a talent for what from her mother?

3. King described which individual as his "closest associate and most trusted friend" from the start of the boycott?

4. How old was King when he participated in an oratorical contest in Dublin, Georgia?

5. Through studying the Bible in college, King stated he "came to see that behind the legends and myths of the Book were many ______."

(see the answer key)

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