The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Before Tacitus' time, a person who wrote an autobiography was considered to be__________.
(a) Insecure.
(b) Not worth reading about.
(c) Self-confident.
(d) Egocentric.

2. Tacitus noted that the Germans felt which way about gold and silver?
(a) They had no personal taste for it.
(b) They believed gold and silver were the best metal for weaponry.
(c) They were acquired greedily by the wealthy.
(d) They used it for trade between Germans only.

3. What rumor was spread after Agricola's death?
(a) He never fought in a battle.
(b) He was poisoned.
(c) His triumphs were shams.
(d) He commited suicide.

4. Of the following, which power did the Roman emperor NOT possess?
(a) Initiate legislation.
(b) Power of censorship.
(c) Ability to recall elections.
(d) Military command.

5. Who helped Nerva bring the praetorian guards to obedience?
(a) Agricola.
(b) Trajan.
(c) Aulus.
(d) Vitellius.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Agricola's arrival in Britain differ from the usual arrival of a new governor?

2. Which Caledonian addressed the British men to inspire courage against the Romans?

3. What major characteristic did Tacitus note about the seas around Britain?

4. Mattingly suggests modern Germany thinks of "The Germania" in what way?

5. Mattingly states all of the following are "characteristic weaknesses" of ancient Germans EXCEPT what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Tacitus commend Agricola's utilization of his armies during peacetime? What did Agricola do during peacetime?

2. How did the promotion to patrician by Vespasian help Agricola? Tacitus believed Agricola strove for what in his career?

3. Compare Britain's geographical location according to Tacitus' knowledge and to how it is known today.

4. Describe the role and power of a Roman emperor as described by Tacitus.

5. Describe the state of the Roman army as Tacitus believed it to be in Britain during peacetime.

6. How did Tacitus show bits of Roman life in "The Germania?"

7. What were some false beliefs Tacitus had about Britain?

8. Who were Titus and Domitian and what was their relationship to the Roman Empire?

9. How did Tacitus describe Fenni life and how they reached a state of contentment that was far from Roman life?

10. Tacitus described marriage in German cultures. According to his description, what were common gifts between a man and woman that were to be married? What did the gifts symbolized?

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