Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Through what method does Bryan want to debunk evolution theories?
(a) Expert testimony.
(b) Theologians.
(c) University professors.
(d) Clergy members.

2. Both sides use the media in attempts to throw off the other. How?
(a) Keeping quiet or broadcasting everything possible.
(b) Both sides broadcasting as much as possible to confuse.
(c) Keeping quiet or broadcasting virtually all falsely.
(d) Both sides broadcasting much falsely to confuse.

3. Jurors leave the courtroom again, and both sides argue admissibility of expert testimony on evolution for how long?
(a) 1 day.
(b) Several hours.
(c) 1/2 day.
(d) Several days.

4. Who has already been debating with Bryan for years over the teaching of evolution?
(a) Henry Fairfield Osborn.
(b) Charles B. Davenport.
(c) J. McKeen Cattell.
(d) Ben G. McKenzie.

5. Bryan immediately goes on the offense for his crusade, revising what would have been his closing argument into what?
(a) A debate platform.
(b) An argument to counter an appeal.
(c) A legal request for anti-evolution laws in other states.
(d) A fiery speech.

6. The defense identifies how many different constitutional objections to the statute?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 14.
(d) 7.

7. That weekend (11th-12th), most prosecutors go where?
(a) Knoxville.
(b) Mountains.
(c) Remain in Dayton.
(d) Chattanooga.

8. Scopes leaves following the verdict to study where?
(a) University of Iowa.
(b) Princeton University.
(c) University of Chicago.
(d) University of Tennessee.

9. The prosecution argues that the law simply bars teaching evolution, regardless of what?
(a) Evolution is.
(b) Evolution is commonly thought to mean.
(c) Evolution is not.
(d) Evolution is or is not.

10. Tennessee newspapers see the trial as what?
(a) Neither as a loss or a victory for either side.
(b) Both as a loss and a draw for each side.
(c) Both as a draw and a victory for each side.
(d) Both as a loss and a victory for each side.

11. The defense openly issues what daily notices?
(a) Which possible strategies they may follow.
(b) Which expert witnesses may testify, possible strategies.
(c) All witnesses who will testify, all possible strategies.
(d) Which expert witnesses may testify.

12. The state supreme court says the anti-evolution law only applies to employees in official roles and does not violate what?
(a) Freedom of religion.
(b) Freedom of education.
(c) Freedom of speech.
(d) Individual freedom.

13. Although the prosecution has seen the law upheld, what does the defense believe?
(a) They won the popular reaction to the trial.
(b) The popular reaction was essentially split.
(c) They will eventually win popular support.
(d) The popular view is moving to the middle.

14. A 1935 attempt to repeal the anti-evolution law receives what level of conservative attention?
(a) Does not wholly arouse.
(b) Does wholly arouse.
(c) Virtually no attention arousal.
(d) Only minimally arouses.

15. The nation's press quickly turns from the trial to what?
(a) Other topics.
(b) Significance it has.
(c) Scopes' appeals.
(d) Fundamentalist demonstrations.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bryan concedes that he interprets the Bible and at times, he does not know the answers to what?

2. The Tennessee Supreme Court takes what action regarding Scopes' conviction?

3. Bryan comes how many days before the trial, giving him control over the "stage" of Dayton until defense arrival?

4. Both sides predict victory, yet the ACLU also makes plans for what?

5. Darrow is what for contempt due to comments he makes the previous Friday; charges the judge dismisses when he apologizes?

(see the answer keys)

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