Sudden Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sudden Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Weather and LaChaise both grew up in which state?
(a) Nevada.
(b) Delaware.
(c) Oregon.
(d) Wisconsin.

2. Who calls Davenport to tell him the news about the Kansas City robbery?
(a) Andy.
(b) Jack.
(c) Daniel.
(d) Lester.

3. What item does Sandy use as a weapon?
(a) Laptop bag.
(b) Steel cylinder.
(c) Pen.
(d) Hammer.

4. What type of person does LaChaise look like after putting on a suit?
(a) Car salesman.
(b) Pastor.
(c) Republican.
(d) Undertaker.

5. Who urges LaChaise to leave town?
(a) Palin.
(b) Stadic.
(c) Franklin.
(d) Darling.

6. Which cop does Martin manage to hit?
(a) McKinney.
(b) Davenport.
(c) Kupicek.
(d) Stadic.

7. Weather ends up being covered in which of the following?
(a) Sweat.
(b) Brain matter.
(c) Oil.
(d) Bruises.

8. What is the collector's name?
(a) Winter.
(b) Black.
(c) Merriweather.
(d) Pitts.

9. A strange man in a bar approaches Sandy about which of the following?
(a) Cigarette.
(b) Sex.
(c) Drink.
(d) Dance.

10. What was the main object purchased at the drugstore?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Batteries.
(c) Q-tips.
(d) Hair color.

11. How many days is it before Christmas?
(a) 8.
(b) 7.
(c) 12.
(d) 4.

12. Davenport is finally able to get what sort of documents?
(a) Phone records.
(b) Search warrants.
(c) Parking information.
(d) Guest list.

13. What is the name of the drugstore visited by Sandy and Martin?
(a) Winslow's.
(b) Smith's.
(c) Jacobson's.
(d) Snyder's.

14. How many nurses does LaChaise get to help him?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 0.

15. As LaChaise heads back to Minneapolis, a storm is already coming in from which direction?
(a) North.
(b) Southwest.
(c) Northeast.
(d) Southeast.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item must Stadic remove from LaChaise's possession?

2. What topic does Weather discuss with LaChaise?

3. The confrontation spoils which of the following events?

4. What does Sandy do in an attempt to contact police?

5. Davenport and Roux have doubts about ______'s part in the LaChaise case.

(see the answer keys)

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