Splendors and Glooms Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Laura Amy Schlitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Splendors and Glooms Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Laura Amy Schlitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who becomes upset and causes a scene when he sees the Clara puppet in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 25?
(a) Grisini
(b) Mrs. Wintermute
(c) Lizzie Rose
(d) Dr. Wintermute

2. How many years ago did Grisini take Parsefall from a workhouse, according to the narrator in Part One: “Fog”?
(a) 5 years ago
(b) 3 years ago
(c) 2 years ago
(d) 7 years ago

3. What is the title of Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 25?
(a) Of Purse Strings and Puppet Strings
(b) A Member of the Audience
(c) The Rocking Chair
(d) The Legacy

4. What traditional, popular English puppet show does the housemaid suggest should be enough for Clara in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 1?
(a) Sesame Street
(b) The Royal Marionettes
(c) Sir Camelot
(d) Punch and Judy

5. The children that are coming to Clara’s birthday party in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 1 are said to be the children of her parents’ friends who live where?
(a) The West End
(b) Greenwich Village
(c) The Upper East Side
(d) Chester Square

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Parsefall do when he has trouble falling asleep in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 22?

2. What item from Grisini’s room has Lizzie Rose already pawned for money in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 20?

3. What season is noted in the opening of Part One: “Fog”?

4. Mrs. Pinchbeck tells Lizzie Rose in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 9 that who was suspected once before when a child went missing?

5. What ailment did Clara’s siblings die from?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the meeting between Clara, Lizzie Rose, and Parsefall described in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 3?

2. Whom does Clara encounter on her way to bed in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 5? How is this exchange described?

3. What do the police do when they arrive in Grisini’s apartment in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 8?

4. Where do Lizzie Rose and Parsefall go for their “evening out” in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 21? What are their impressions?

5. How do Lizzie Rose and Parsefall respond when learning of the tragedy that befell Clara’s siblings in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 3?

6. What leads up to the physical confrontation between Lizzie Rose and Grisini in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 15?

7. What discovery do Lizzie Rose and Parsefall make in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 18? How do they respond to this discovery?

8. What are Clara’s impressions of the puppet show in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 4?

9. What is contained in the letter that Lizzie Rose finds in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 24?

10. What vision does Cassandra experience on her birthday in Part One: “Fog,” Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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