Small Steps Test | Final Test - Medium

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Small Steps Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kaira say to Fred?
(a) She thanks him for saving her life.
(b) She is mad that he didn't get to the room sooner.
(c) She is going to let him go because she is getting out of the music business.
(d) She hopes he will stay with her.

2. What does Debbie Newburg want with Armpit?
(a) To get him to convince Ginny to go back to physical therapy.
(b) To bring Ginny her assignments from school.
(c) To ask about the concert tickets.
(d) To ask about Ginny's seizure at the concert.

3. For what do Kaira and Armpit shop?
(a) An mp3 player for Armpit.
(b) A new concert dress for Kaira.
(c) A present for Ginny.
(d) A new jacket for Armpit.

4. How does El Genius harm Fred?
(a) Hits him with a fireplace poker.
(b) Hits him with a bottle of whiskey.
(c) Hits him with a bat.
(d) Stabs him with the cheese knife.

5. What does Newburg call Armpit?
(a) A con artist.
(b) A liar.
(c) A mess.
(d) Gullible.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Armpit ask a man sitting next to him?

2. What is Armpit working on when X-Ray and a couple others visit him?

3. What does Armpit ask of Kaira?

4. Where does Kaira invite Armpit to visit her?

5. How does Kaira discover Armpit is ticklish?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kaira discover that Armpit is ticklish and what does Fred interrupt?

2. Who visits Armpit while he is doing some plumbing and what do they want?

3. What does Armpit decide about the trip and how does he feel about his decision?

4. What happens to make Kaira throw coffee in Armpit's face and leave?

5. Describe the interaction between Armpit and Kaira in the hotel restaurant.

6. What does Armpit tell Ginny about his experience in San Francisco?

7. Describe Armpit's conversation with Detective Newburg.

8. What does the letter Armpit receives from Kaira say?

9. What does X-Ray tell Armpit and how does Armpit respond?

10. What does Detective Newburg tell Armpit?

(see the answer keys)

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