Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

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Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why isn't El Genius going to be tried?
(a) He confesses.
(b) He will go to trial.
(c) He killed himself.
(d) He is incompetent.

2. What does El Genius get out of Armpit's room?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The letter from Kaira.
(c) Get some hair and a bandaid with blood on it.
(d) A cd that Kaira signs.

3. What does Kaira try to guess when she and Armpit are seated?
(a) His favorite song that she sings.
(b) His zodiac sign.
(c) His age.
(d) His nickname.

4. What does Armpit wonder about Debbie Newburg?
(a) If she knows about Ginny's father.
(b) Nothing in particular.
(c) How someone that young could be a detective.
(d) Why she is so nice to Ginny.

5. What interrupts Armpit's talking about Kaira's letter to her?
(a) Kaira's cell phone rings.
(b) A fan wants an autograph.
(c) Aileen arrives.
(d) Fred finds them.

6. What is on the cheese platter that El Genius takes?
(a) A knife.
(b) A few crackers.
(c) A slice of cheese.
(d) Nothing.

7. What does Armpit's boss offer Armpit?
(a) A recommendation.
(b) A promotion.
(c) A raise.
(d) Another project.

8. What does Armpit order at a coffee shop?
(a) Plain coffee.
(b) Expresso.
(c) Cappuccino.
(d) Hot Chocolate.

9. What is Armpit doing when he notices a white woman at his door?
(a) Telling Ginny about his lunch with Kaira.
(b) Washing his dad's car.
(c) Washing Ginny's mother's car.
(d) Listening to his ipod.

10. What does Armpit forget for a moment when he arrives at the hotel?
(a) Kaira's alias.
(b) If he's supposed to ask at the desk or go up.
(c) Kaira's biggest hit single.
(d) What is alias is supposed to be.

11. What does Armpit say he should have done with Kaira?
(a) Told her the truth about the tickets.
(b) Given her his cell number.
(c) Gotten her address.
(d) Kissed her.

12. How does Armpit do on his Economics exam?
(a) B plus.
(b) B.
(c) A.
(d) C.

13. Whom does Armpit's boss offer to hire?
(a) Any guys from the detention center.
(b) No one.
(c) Felix.
(d) X-Ray.

14. What message does Kaira leave Armpit.
(a) She will write another letter to help his friend.
(b) She is sorry for behaving so badly.
(c) She is saving him a place backstage.
(d) She never wants to see him again.

15. What game do Kaira and Armpit play outside?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Confuse the people.
(c) Kaira as a regular teen.
(d) Lose the bodyguard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who signs Armpit's cast?

2. What seems to be Kaira's disability?

3. With what is Armpit's boss pleased?

4. What happens to the scheduled concert for that night?

5. What does Debbie Newburg want with Armpit?

(see the answer keys)

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