The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the sheep thief?
(a) Rodan.
(b) Zaorro.
(c) Zabado.
(d) Sirta.

2. Who is Sira?
(a) A stranger Dabasir meets.
(b) Another thief.
(c) Another slave.
(d) The Syrian chief's wife.

3. What happens as a result of #98?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The animals die.
(c) The farmer is put into danger.
(d) The ass is put to work in the fields.

4. What is Rodan's quandary?
(a) What to do with his gold.
(b) What he should eat.
(c) Who a stranger is.
(d) Where to live.

5. When Dabasir is caught doing illegal things, what happens to him?
(a) He stays in prison for a long time.
(b) He meets a new wife.
(c) He runs away from the town.
(d) He is made the slave of the Syrian chief.

6. Who has lost all of his money?
(a) Arkad.
(b) Dabasir.
(c) Sira.
(d) Tarkad.

7. What did the fourth tablet include?
(a) The plan for paying off debt.
(b) Nothing. It was blank.
(c) How Dabasir fared after starting his plan.
(d) The names of the people that were owed money.

8. Why is the advice in #112 given?
(a) To relay orders from the general.
(b) To send the person away.
(c) To confuse the person.
(d) To keep the person from getting hit by arrows.

9. What happens when Dabasir takes a beautiful wife?
(a) She diets.
(b) He dies.
(c) He wants to leave her almost immediately.
(d) He tries to provide her with all the things she desires.

10. What does Sira ask Dabasir?
(a) Whether he is interested in her.
(b) Whether he has the heart of a slave or a freeman.
(c) What his favorite camel is.
(d) How much money he has.

11. Who is riding with the leader of the caravan?
(a) Algamish.
(b) Rodan.
(c) Hadan Gula.
(d) Mathon.

12. Who wrote the five clay tablets mentioned in the letter?
(a) Dabasir.
(b) Mathon.
(c) Rodan.
(d) Arkad.

13. What is NOT an example of modern day protection?
(a) Insurance.
(b) Lottery tickets.
(c) Savings accounts.
(d) Dependable investments.

14. How long have the walls stood in place?
(a) For over 1000 years.
(b) For over 10 years.
(c) For over 500 years.
(d) For over 300 years.

15. What floats into the sky to carry the message of victory?
(a) White smoke.
(b) Music.
(c) Ribbons.
(d) Blue smoke.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is leading a caravan across the desert?

2. With whom does Dabasir take up?

3. What does Megiddo tell others to do?

4. Who does Sharru Nada approach in order to become his slave?

5. Who is the first person to talk to Banzar?

(see the answer keys)

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