Notes from the Underground Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Notes from the Underground Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 2, Liza visits the writer at his home. Upset by this, how does the writer say he would take revenge on his visitor?
(a) By killing the visitor.
(b) By not speaking.
(c) By kicking the visitor out.
(d) By forcing the visitor to listen to his meaningless ramblings.

2. What does the writer say he would do if he sees Liza again?
(a) Humiliate her.
(b) Ask for forgivness.
(c) Ask her to marry him.
(d) Tell her the truth about the evening they spent together.

3. What does the writer write to Simonov as an excuse for his dinner behavior?
(a) The first glass of wine makes him drunk.
(b) It is all a joke.
(c) He does not like the company.
(d) His depression.

4. What has the writer forgotten about when he wakesup after his night of drinking?
(a) Liza.
(b) The fight during dinner.
(c) The cabby.
(d) An important meeting.

5. How many days pass between the writer's first meeting with Liza and the second?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 1 day.
(d) 4 days.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sits to the left of the writer at the dinner party?

2. When the writer goes back to the dinner party after being outside, what does he find?

3. What does the writer tell Apollon will happen if he does not appease his request?

4. Near the end of the dinner in Part 2, Chapter 4, during the writer's toast, what does he say he loves?

5. How does the writer describe the feelings of his visitor in Part 2, Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Liza visits the writer at his home, the situation seems rather intense. What does the writer say that people often do in such situations?

2. After the writer has finished his speech to Liza, he turns to leave. Before he goes, she gives him a letter to read. Who was the letter from and what did it say?

3. What is Apollon's reaction to the writer when he is asked to go to the tavern for tea and biscuits?

4. Why does the writer state that in his life he often takes insignificant roles?

5. In Part 2, Chapter 7 the writer is having a conversation with Liza and describes her duties to men. What does he say she must do if he whistles at her?

6. In Part 2, Chapter 9, when Liza goes to the writer's apartment, why does he think she becomes embarrassed?

7. Describe the characteristics of a romantic, according to the writer.

8. What is Zverkov's attitude toward the writer?

9. At the end of Part 2, Chapter 5, the writer is in the room with the prostitute and glances in the mirror. What does he see and how does he feel about it?

10. When the writer goes to visit Anton Antonych, there are other men also visiting. What do the men discuss and how does the writer feel about this conversation?

(see the answer keys)

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