Ninth House Test | Final Test - Easy

Leigh Bardugo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ninth House Test | Final Test - Easy

Leigh Bardugo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 24, which House of the Veil needs a new tomb?
(a) Skull and Bones.
(b) Manuscript.
(c) St. Elmo's.
(d) Scroll and Key.

2. Who does Alex ask Detective Turner to let her speak with in Chapter 14?
(a) Elliot Sandow.
(b) Michael Kolawole.
(c) Lance Gressang.
(d) Nat Tunkey.

3. In Chapter 20, what was one thing Alex was going to say to Darlington to try to convince him not to tell her secret about Ground Zero?
(a) That she would kill him if he told her secret.
(b) That she was sorry about the murders, even though she was not really sorry.
(c) That she had already served her jail time.
(d) That the only thing keeping her from killing someone again was her job at Lethe House.

4. What kind of business did Tara Hutchins have on the side of her other activities?
(a) Knitting.
(b) Stained-glass working.
(c) Jewelry-making.
(d) Painting.

5. How does Alex find out where Tara Hutchins lived?
(a) She tricks Detective Turner into telling her the name of Tara's street.
(b) She finds Tara's name in the phone book.
(c) She asks Len.
(d) She asks Dawes to find Tara's address for her.

6. In Chapter 14, why does Alex feel guilty that she was not with Mercy at the party she said she would go to with Mercy?
(a) Because Mercy was missing after the party.
(b) Because Mercy was very drunk and she would not have been if Alex was there.
(c) Because Mercy was recorded doing something very embarrassing there.
(d) Because Mercy got lost coming home.

7. In Chapter 17, what does Alex use to get into Tara Hutchins's apartment?
(a) An enchanted compact.
(b) Merity.
(c) Starpower.
(d) A coin of compulsion.

8. In Chapter 21, who stays with Alex in Il Bastone while she undergoes her healing rite?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Alex's mother.
(c) The Bridegroom.
(d) Salome Nils.

9. In Chapter 16, how does Alex get revenge on Blake Keely?
(a) She calls his parents and tells them what he has been up to at Yale.
(b) She makes him drop out of school by giving him a coin of compulsion.
(c) She makes him apologize to all the girls he has hurt.
(d) She films him doing something disgusting and then she sends it to everyone on his contact list.

10. In Chapter 23, what does Alex discover when she arrives at Professor Belbalm's salon?
(a) She is meant to have brought her books and essays.
(b) She forgot her plant she meant to bring as a gift.
(c) She forgot to bring the dessert she said she would make.
(d) She is meant to be a server in the kitchen.

11. What kind of creature does Michelle tell Alex they all heard during the rite for Darlington?
(a) A jackal.
(b) A Gray.
(c) An angel.
(d) A hellbeast.

12. What does the Bridegroom tell Alex his full name is?
(a) Bertram Harberstam.
(b) Bertie Ahearn.
(c) Bertram Boyce North.
(d) Bertram Barnard.

13. Why does Dawes object to Alex getting closer to the Bridgegroom?
(a) He is rumored to have been insane.
(b) He is allegedly a murderer.
(c) It is strictly forbidden for Lethe House members to work with Grays.
(d) He looks very scary to Dawes.

14. In Chapter 18, what do Alex and Darlington bring with them to the house they go to?
(a) A warm blanket and some wine.
(b) A weather vane.
(c) Merity.
(d) A small puppy.

15. How does Darlington almost die in Chapter 13?
(a) By taking too much heroin.
(b) By a heart attack that nearly kills him.
(c) By getting hit by a car.
(d) By making his own elixir to be able to see Grays and poisoning himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. What document do Alex and the others use to try to call Darlington back to Black Elm?

2. In Chapter 14, what does Michelle Alameddine say to Darlington when he invites her to see Black Elm?

3. What do Hellie and Alex use as a murder weapon at Ground Zero?

4. In Chapter 18, what does Alex admit to Darlington?

5. In Chapter 20, why is Detective Turner so shaken at seeing Alex's attacker at Tara's apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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