Mythologies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mythologies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sort of values does steak adhere to in "Steak and Chips"?
(a) Cultural.
(b) Spiritual.
(c) Patriotic.
(d) Familiar.

2. "Which phrase concludes "The Nautilus and the Drunken Boat"?
(a) "Can make man proceed from a psycho-analysis of the cave."
(b) "It constantly begets departure."
(c) "A genuine poetics of exploration."
(d) "Which comes close to the infinite."

3. Einstein died without having been able to what?
(a) "Open mankind's spirit to a new age of enlightenment."
(b) "Verify 'the equation in which the secret of the world was enclosed.'"
(c) "Dismantle the perplexities of humanity's plight through space."
(d) "Leave a legacy for comprehension of his unfinished work."

4. Which two organizations are referred to in "Operation Margarine"?
(a) The Navy and the Court.
(b) The Army and the Church.
(c) The Church and the Government.
(d) The Police and the Army.

5. Who is "a fifty-year-old with an obese and sagging body"?
(a) Harlequin.
(b) Mazaud.
(c) Orsano.
(d) Thauvin.

Short Answer Questions

1. "______ for Schelling." How is this quote from "The Brain of Einstein finished"?

2. Which types of toys is the author more fond of?

3. "Wine is here a part of the reason of _____." How is this quote from "Wine and Milk" finished?

4. Which of the following is not a publication referred to by the author in "The Blue Guide"?

5. "Novels and Children" was written in response to an article in what magazine?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the author speak ill of men as 'types' in "The Blue Guide"?

2. What are the two signs that are discussed in "The Romans in Films?" What do they suggest of Roman and modern culture?

3. How is fairness apart of wrestling?

4. From reading "Ornamental Cookery," why would you say that Elle creates such a grandiose food section for a working-class readership?

5. What is the literature of repletion in "Dominici, or the Triumph of Literature"? What does it lead to?

6. What is particularly special of the "Jet-Man"?

7. How does Abbe Pierre's haircut a juncture of meeting points and definitions?

8. What is the literary device Verne created?

9. How is drunkenness different in France than other nations?

10. What are "Toys," according to the author?

(see the answer keys)

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