Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

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Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Helga claim she located the trunk filled with many of the narrator's things?
(a) In a secret closet in their old apartment that the new tenants had not discovered.
(b) In the bombed-out ruins of her father's house.
(c) At the Berlin theatre where she and the narrator had worked.
(d) From a drop site in a park where a note from the Blue Fairy Godmother said it would be.

2. What was in the shopping bag of the man who beat up the narrator?
(a) Groceries.
(b) A noose.
(c) A gun.
(d) Copies of the Minuteman.

3. In one of her final statements, Resi says of the narrator, "There is nothing left of him but __________ and a pair of eyes."
(a) His mouth.
(b) Love.
(c) Anger.
(d) Curiosity.

4. How does the narrator regard the old trunk?
(a) A time capsule of life before the war.
(b) A nice place for a family of rats to set up housekeeping.
(c) A coffin of the young man he would never be again.
(d) A treasure chest filled with possibilities.

5. If someone wished to purchase a copy of Memoirs of a Monogamous Casanova with color illustrations, how much extra would it cost?
(a) Forty dollars.
(b) Seventy-five Deutschmarks.
(c) Forty rubles.
(d) Five pounds Sterling.

6. What snide remark does Resi make as she watches drum majorettes pass by in a parade?
(a) That being able to do high kicks and twirl batons will help the girls be successful in life.
(b) That Americans must find war a very sexy thing.
(c) That it's not as good as being a cheerleader.
(d) That half of the girls will end up pregnant before they graduate.

7. What does the patrolman say has the potential to end crime, war, divorce, child abuse, and several other social ills?
(a) Chemicals.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Extraterrestrial beings.
(d) Religion.

8. What is Helga's present to the narrator when they are reunited?
(a) The silver-hilted dagger that he had designed himself.
(b) A motorcycle just like the one he borrowed from Heinz.
(c) Her father's blue vase.
(d) His collected works of poems, stories, plays, letters, and one unpublished book.

9. After his conversation with Eichmann, what does the narrator decide is not such a good defense after all?
(a) He didn't know people were actually dying as a result of his work.
(b) He had been completely brainwashed by the German government.
(c) All is fair in love and war.
(d) He was just a soldier following orders.

10. When the narrator asks Adolf Eichmann if he felt that he was guilty of murdering six million Jews, Eichmann replies:
(a) Jews aren't people, so it wasn't exactly murder.
(b) They had it coming.
(c) Absolutely not.
(d) You are as guilty as I am.

11. What is the book, Memoirs of a Monogamous Casanova, about?
(a) The working title of a play about a celebrated Nazi commandant.
(b) The lascivious thoughts of a middle-aged family man with a wild imagination.
(c) The narrator and Helga's sex life as a married couple.
(d) A fictional account of Giacomo Casanova's life after he married and settled down.

12. What does the narrator say is a "snaggle-toothed thought machine"?
(a) A hate group.
(b) A totalitarian mind.
(c) Communism.
(d) The G-men.

13. What is the general public response after newspapers begin to publish articles about Howard Campbell?
(a) Anger, outrage, and calls for swift justice.
(b) Fear that the situation could strain relations with other countries.
(c) Nobody cares anymore because the war happened so long ago.
(d) Support because Campbell followed his convictions, even though they were unpopular.

14. What is the main reason the Iron Guard boys have their mothers alter their suits instead of going to a tailor?
(a) It is the only way women are allowed to participate in the group.
(b) The group has a strong "do-it-yourself" ethic.
(c) The families cannot afford tailors.
(d) Most tailors (according to Jones) are Jews.

15. Which of the following is NOT a place the narrator met with the Blue Fairy Godmother?
(a) A vacant shop across the street from Lionel Jones' house.
(b) In his New York apartment.
(c) In a dining hall in Wiesbaden.
(d) On a park bench in the Tiergarten in Berlin.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Wirtanen, who are the only three people who knew the truth about the narrator's radio broadcasts?

2. What is the topic of Resi's speech at the Iron Guard meeting?

3. What does the schoolteacher in the bomb shelter do to silence his hysterical wife?

4. What do the narrator and Resi find drawn in blue ink on his mailbox namecard?

5. What is the actual destination that Lionel Jones arranges for the narrator and the others to go as soon as the narrator is well enough to travel?

(see the answer keys)

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