Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When DCS Locke first speaks to Susan in "Martlesham Heath," how does Susan describe his tone?
(a) Amused.
(b) Jovial.
(c) Skeptical.
(d) Furious.

2. What does Susan's discussion of her intentions regarding her old car imply?
(a) She might sell the car to pay for some of the repairs to her hotel.
(b) London is really the only part of England that she enjoys.
(c) Driving in London is almost intolerable after spending time in Greece.
(d) She is uncertain about whether she will return to Greece.

3. With whom does Susan have a drink in "Nightcaps"?
(a) Pauline.
(b) Aiden.
(c) Lawrence.
(d) Derek.

4. Who is Charles Clover?
(a) Susan's contact at Orion.
(b) Susan's grandfather.
(c) Susan's brother-in-law.
(d) Susan's former boss.

5. What is the name of the book that ended Susan's publishing career?
(a) Magpie Murders.
(b) Atticus Pünd Takes the Case
(c) Moonflower Murders.
(d) Atticus Pünd: Marked for Murder

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Craig Andrews write about?

2. What does Susan learn about Melissa from her interview with Lionel Corby?

3. How does Lionel Corby feel about the Trehernes?

4. What does Susan realize about Lisa Treherne when Lisa gets up from the dinner table?

5. What surprises Susan about her nephew Jack?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whe Susan has breakfast with him, what claims does Lionel Corby make about Lisa Treherne?

2. At dinner with Craig Andrews, what two theories does Susan share that, if true, would mean that Frank Parris was a random--or nearly random--victim?

3. How did James Taylor and Alan Conway meet and become partners?

4. What factors in Stefan's background does Susan believe contributed to his conviction?

5. What is in the shopping bag that Susan brings back from seeing James Taylor, and which of its contents is she most interested in?

6. How do Martin and Joanne Williams behave when Susan interviews them, and what impression does she take away from the encounter?

7. In "Nightcaps," when Aiden expresses irritation over Conway's portrayal of him, what does Susan share with him to console him?

8. Why do Lawrence and Pauline Trehorne seek Susan out in Greece?

9. Who is Lionel Corby, and what makes him someone that Susan wants to interview?

10. What conflicting attitudes does Lisa Trehorne seem to hold about Cecily and her disappearance?

(see the answer keys)

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