Moonflower Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What change to the opening of Atticus Pünd Takes the Case did Susan argue for when she was editing the book?
(a) She wanted the book to begin with Madeline Cain learning about James's death.
(b) She wanted the Ludendorff Diamond case moved to the book's beginning.
(c) She wanted the murder to have already happened before the narrative starts.
(d) She wanted Conway to start the book with Pünd, not the action in Tawleigh.

2. When Lisa refers to an "extortionate" sum of money, what is she comparing Susan's work for the Trehornes to (247)?
(a) A military action.
(b) Fraud.
(c) Blackmail.
(d) Religious belief.

3. Susan wonders, on page 254, whether Eloise is Aiden's "acolyte." What is she wondering about Eloise?
(a) If she might secretly be related to Aiden.
(b) If she is so devoted to him that she would help him do whatever he asked.
(c) If she is actually the one who is in charge of their relationship.
(d) If she is romantically involved with Aiden.

4. Who do Hare and Pünd find out was the mysterious person peeking into Clarence Keep when Francis was killed?
(a) Simon Cox.
(b) Samantha Collins.
(c) Nancy Mitchell.
(d) Maureen Gardner.

5. What does Miss Cain make a list of for Atticus Pünd?
(a) Contradictions in witnesses's statements.
(b) The titles of all of Melissa James's films.
(c) The names and addresses of people he needs to interview.
(d) Important moments in the timeline of the murder.

6. On page 235, Susan mentions a "nom de plume." Which type of person is likely to have a non de plume?
(a) A lawyer.
(b) A real estate broker.
(c) A banker.
(d) A writer.

7. Who catches Francis as he falls down the stairs after being stabbed?
(a) Atticus Pünd.
(b) A young uniformed officer.
(c) Madeline Cain.
(d) DCI Hare.

8. Who owns Sun Trap Holdings?
(a) Algernon.
(b) Francis's father.
(c) Simon Cox.
(d) Melissa.

9. Whom does Pünd encounter when he visits St. Daniel's church?
(a) Samantha Collins.
(b) Lance Gardner.
(c) Maureen Gardner.
(d) Leonard Collins.

10. To whom is Atticus Pünd Takes the Case dedicated?
(a) Frank and Leo.
(b) Freddie and Melissa.
(c) Leo and Freddie.
(d) Melissa and Jimmy.

11. When Susan returns to Branlow Hall in "The Owl," why is Melissa Conway there?
(a) She has been having lunch with Aiden.
(b) She is staying there on a work trip.
(c) She is moving back into Oaklands.
(d) She is there to use the spa.

12. What is the name of Melissa's sailboat?
(a) Pendleton.
(b) Sundowner.
(c) Kimba.
(d) Trophy Wife.

13. What character of Conway's is Susan thinking of when she accuses him of "equating disability with inadequacy" (233)?
(a) Eric Chandler.
(b) Nancy Mitchell.
(c) DCI Hare.
(d) Atticus Pünd.

14. In the hospital, whom does Nancy Mitchell confirm is her baby's father?
(a) Eric.
(b) Francis.
(c) Leonard.
(d) Lance.

15. What is DCI Hare's first theory about Francis's death?
(a) The person they saw peeking in the windows killed him.
(b) Algernon killed him.
(c) It was a suicide.
(d) Eric Chandler killed him.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Pünd interviews Leonard Collins, what question does Leonard find "very strange" (124)?

2. In "Fourteen: Hit-and-Run," whom does Leonard find waiting for him at his kitchen table, smoking a cigarette?

3. In "Seven: A Question of Time," what criticism does Lance Gardner make about Melissa in his first discussion with Pünd?

4. Which author does Susan say that Alan Conway "revered" (235)?

5. By the end of the novel, why does Pünd feel responsible for Francis's death?

(see the answer keys)

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