Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What assurance does Conway repeatedly give people on his interview tapes?
(a) He tells them that he is trying to clear Codrescu's name.
(b) He says that he will let them read the book before it is published.
(c) He tells them that he is not recording the conversation.
(d) He says that he will not write about the hotel.

2. In his email to Susan, whose unusual demeanor on the Friday night before the wedding does Lawrence call attention to?
(a) Pauline's brother's.
(b) Aiden's.
(c) Lionel's.
(d) Derek's.

3. What was Andreas' job before he and Susan bought their hotel in Greece?
(a) Bartender.
(b) Writer.
(c) Soccer player.
(d) Teacher.

4. When Andreas argues with Susan about her taking the job the Trehornes have offered, which of the following does he imply is true?
(a) Susan has tried to catch a murderer before.
(b) Susan will probably not return to Greece.
(c) Susan is not smart enough to catch a killer.
(d) Susan is looking for a way to impress her sister.

5. Where does Susan know Richard Locke from?
(a) He is an author whose book about the prison system was published by Susan's company.
(b) He investigated the murder of one of her authors.
(c) He is married to her sister.
(d) He was the solicitor who found the body of one of her authors.

6. At dinner with Craig Andrews, who are the two people that Susan identifies as having a motive to kill Parris?
(a) Joanna and Martin Williams.
(b) Sajid Khan and his partner.
(c) Lionel Corby and Stefan Codrescu.
(d) Lisa and Cecily Trehorne.

7. Who is Charles Clover?
(a) Susan's former boss.
(b) Susan's grandfather.
(c) Susan's brother-in-law.
(d) Susan's contact at Orion.

8. What does Susan learn about the Atticus Pünd novels from her lunch with Michael Bealey?
(a) They have temporarily been erased from the publisher's distribution system.
(b) They are being made into a series of television shows.
(c) The publisher is being sued because Conway plagiarized material.
(d) A new author has been assigned to continue the series.

9. What letter does Susan say the Trehorne's hotel is shaped like?
(a) T.
(b) F.
(c) H.
(d) L.

10. With whom does Susan have a drink in "Nightcaps"?
(a) Pauline.
(b) Aiden.
(c) Lawrence.
(d) Derek.

11. What physical feature of Aiden's does Lionel remark on when he and Susan are talking at breakfast?
(a) A birthmark.
(b) A tattoo.
(c) A scar.
(d) A bruise.

12. Who describes the police investigation into Cecily's disappearance as "absolute hell for Aiden" (60)?
(a) Eloise Radmani.
(b) Lawrence Treherne.
(c) Pauline Treherne.
(d) Susan Ryeland.

13. Where were Conway and Taylor when Parris was killed?
(a) Tuscany.
(b) Antigua.
(c) Suffolk.
(d) London.

14. What is implied by Susan's question to Lionel Corby about whether all of his clients were men?
(a) She is following up on something that Lawrence said about Lionel.
(b) She suspects that he was a sex worker while he was in London.
(c) She is pointing out that he is a misogynist.
(d) She dislikes the kind of men who are obsessed with physical fitness.

15. In the chapter titled "Page One," what is Susan getting ready to do?
(a) Reread Atticus Pünd Takes the Case.
(b) Start editing her first book in two years.
(c) Write an email to Andreas.
(d) Read the legal paperwork on Heath House.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Susan when the narrative opens?

2. What does Susan learn about Melissa from her interview with Lionel Corby?

3. Besides wondering why Khan is practicing in Suffolk, what question does Susan have about his law firm?

4. What is the basis of Derek's identification of Stefan as the man near Parris's room on the night of the murder?

5. When the narrative opens, how long has it been since the murder at the Trehornes' hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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