Memoirs of Hadrian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memoirs of Hadrian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While discussing his sadness at how things change despite his attempts to immortalize them, Hadrian says science has been at a standstill since which famous individual?
(a) Copernicus.
(b) Galileo.
(c) Plato.
(d) Aristotle.

2. In "Saeculum Aureum, 153-171," Hadrian refers to which actor as his Greek partridge?
(a) Aristomenes.
(b) Demonax.
(c) Arrian.
(d) Herod.

3. After the uncovered assassination plot, which of the following individuals increases the security around Hadrian in fear of a new revenge plot?
(a) Servianus.
(b) Attianus.
(c) Marcius Turbo.
(d) Fuscus.

4. While discussing his options for a successor, Hadrian mentions all BUT WHICH of the following individuals?
(a) Marcius Turbo.
(b) Julius Severus.
(c) Arrian.
(d) Marcus Aurelius.

5. In "Disciplina Augusta, 233-251," which of the following individuals is an informer and spy for Rome?
(a) Elias Ben-Abayad.
(b) Joshua.
(c) Euphorion.
(d) Joshua Ben-Kisma.

Short Answer Questions

1. As "Disciplina Augusta, 233-251" opens, things are going badly with which religious group?

2. After Hadrian forbids the Jews from reestablishing themselves in Jerusalem, they settle in all BUT WHICH of the following cities?

3. Which of the following individuals alerts Hadrian that Antinous has gone missing in "Saeculum Aureum, 189-211"?

4. To which of the following individuals does Hadrian give the responsibility of cleaning up during the Jewish rebellion in Jerusalem?

5. After the Jewish protests over Greek literature in schools, which of the following individuals lets his nephew die rather than accept a Greek doctor?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Hadrian's secretary in "Disciplina Augusta, 211-233"?

2. Why, when choosing a successor, does Hadrian settle on Lucius?

3. Why do the Jewish people consider the opening of schools where Greek literature is taught such a major problem?

4. According to Hadrian, what must Antinous have thought after the lightning episode on Mount Cassius?

5. Why, according to "Saeculum Aureum, 153-171," does Hadrian not divorce Sabina and be done with her?

6. Describe the three prospects Hadrian dismisses before finally settling on Lucius as his successor and why those three are dismissed.

7. What qualities strike Hadrian as special when he first meets Arrian of Nicomedia?

8. When rumors begin to fly about the influence Lucius and Antinous must have over Hadrian, what reasons does he give that indicate these accusations are ridiculous?

9. Why, when Hadrian sets about finding a successor, does he say that the Roman tradition of adoption works best?

10. In "Saeculum Aureum, 171-189," why does Hadrian begin to push Antinous away?

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