Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8, Ekim Bey.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Dean Borsh teach Gurdjieff?
(a) geography and other subjects
(b) mathematics and other subjects
(c) history and other subjects
(d) Scripture and other subjects

2. With whom did Gurdjieff's father carry on long conversations about philosophy and theology?
(a) with his brother, Gurdjieff's beloved uncle
(b) with Gurdjieff's first tutor, Dean Borsh
(c) with his close friend, Ivan Ivanovich
(d) with Gurdjieff himself

3. What is the title of the anecdote Gurdjieff uses to show the inferiority of modern life to ancient wisdom showing that modern life and literature are poison to the human race.
(a) "The Conversation of Two Swallows"
(b) "The Conversation of Two Crows"
(c) "The Conversation of Two Robins"
(d) "The Conversation of the Two Sparrows"

4. When did Gurdjieff meet Abram Yelov?
(a) When he given up his search for ancient truths
(b) When he was suffering from a high fever and pneumonia
(c) When he had buried himelf in reading ancient liturature in Tiflis.
(d) When he was visiting his family

5. What did the Yezidis believe?
(a) they will some day take over the world
(b) they are suseptible to many diseases
(c) they cannot leave a circle that is drawn around them
(d) they are the chosen-ones and have special powers

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did people think Dean Borsh was peculiar?

2. What happened to Ekim Bey in Suram?

3. What did Gurdjieff propose to do in his second book, "Meetings with Remarkable Men"?

4. According to Gurdjieff, contemporary literature falls into which three categories?

5. How did Gurdjieff meet Abram Yelov?

(see the answer key)

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