Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Bogachevsy.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Gurdjieff''s father come from?
(a) from an Egyptian family who moved to Alexandropol
(b) from a Greek family who had fled from the Turks in Byzantium
(c) from a Persian family living in Armenia
(d) from a Russian family who fled from Russia during hard times

2. What kind of education was Father Borsh in favor of having Gurdjieff pursue?
(a) a military education
(b) a practical education in woodworking
(c) a medical education
(d) the priesthood

3. What is the other name Bogachevsky goes by?
(a) Father Evlissi
(b) Brother Peter
(c) Father Essene
(d) Abbot of Kars

4. Why did the subject of spiritualism make a strong impression on Gurdjieff?
(a) because he wanted to take part in a seance
(b) because his dead sister appeared to him in a dream
(c) because of the recent death of his favorite sister
(d) because he wanted to believe in immortality

5. Who was the fortuneteller whom Gurdjieff's aunt consulted?
(a) the psychic, Feodor Moussorsky
(b) the idiot , Ivan Ivanovich
(c) the half-wit, Nicolai Brandikoff
(d) the half-wit, Eoung-Ashokh Mardiross

Short Answer Questions

1. Besides having an accident with a firearm, what other prediction of the fortuneteller came true about Gurdjieff?

2. Why did people think Dean Borsh was peculiar?

3. What subjects did Ponomarenko teach Gurdjieff?

4. Between what ages did Father Borsh feel a male was fully developed?

5. What had Gurdjieff promised himself to do after completing his first series of writing?

(see the answer key)

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