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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why didn’t Ambrose swim?
(a) He forgot his swimsuit
(b) He does not like to swim
(c) He does not want Magda to see his bare chest
(d) He has a pain in his stomach
2. What does Ambrose imagine about his work when he is an adult?
(a) He will be very famous in his line of work
(b) It will help to save the world
(c) It will be work that will impress Magda
(d) It will be something only super intelligent people can do
3. What does Ambrose imagine is at the end of the boardwalk in the future when he comes here with his family?
(a) He imagines seeing the operator’s daughter for the first time
(b) A few derelict amusements
(c) A sign that talks of his famous writings that began in the funhouse
(d) A monument to his suffering in the funhouse
4. How does Magda peel a banana?
(a) With her toes
(b) Using one hand and her teeth
(c) She cuts the peel with a fingernail
(d) With both hands
5. What does the narrator say the climax of this story must be?
(a) Ambrose telling Magda he loves her
(b) Ambrose realizing he is a normal young teen
(c) Ambrose finding his way out of the funhouse
(d) Ambrose getting a kiss from Magda
6. What does Ambrose do after he pushes his glasses up on his nose while the family is driving?
(a) Drops his hand into Magda’s lap
(b) Sneezes
(c) Drops his hand on the seat behind Magda
(d) Coughs
7. What does Ambrose’s mother do for Uncle Karl in the car while they are driving to Ocean City?
(a) Gets the cigar lighter for him
(b) Gives him a sandwich to eat
(c) Nothing
(d) Reads the map for him
8. What does Ambrose decide the daughter of the funhouse operator, who hears his stories, will think of Ambrose?
(a) That he must be slightly loony
(b) That she hopes he does not decide to write for a living
(c) That he is a strange boy
(d) That he has a truly great imagination
9. In what situation does the narrator say it is not a good idea for an author to use the first person?
(a) When the narrator identifies too strongly with the narrator
(b) When it is obvious the events could not be real
(c) When it is essential for the narrator to know what every character is thinking
(d) When the story is written for children
10. What does Ambrose imagine doing if he gets out of the funhouse on his own?
(a) Going to the swimming pool
(b) Sneaking up on Peter and pushing Peter into the pool
(c) Going to the family car and taking a nap
(d) Strolling up behind his family and pretending he’s been out for hours
11. What does the narrator say triangulation is?
(a) Determining a position using two or more compass bearings
(b) It is when two boys like the same girl
(c) It is a form of homicide
(d) Trying to use at least three different descriptions for a character
12. Ambrose thinks everything one sees in Ocean City is preparation and intermission for what?
(a) Sex
(b) Winning the war
(c) Life
(d) Growing up
13. Of what are cigar boxes made in the present time in the story?
(a) Pasteboard
(b) Wood
(c) Plastic
(d) Cigars are not sold in boxes during the war
14. Of what kind of material are Ambrose’s pants made?
(a) Gabardine
(b) Polyester
(c) Cotton
(d) Brushed denim
15. What does the narrator say giving descriptions with two different senses, such as auditory and visual, can do?
(a) It orients the reader’s imagination to the scene
(b) It draws the attention away from any narrative contrivances
(c) It adds words to the book
(d) It helps the author remember what the characters are doing
Short Answer Questions
1. What was inked into the wood on the cigar box where the label is peeled away?
2. What does Ambrose know is the strategy for spying the Towers first?
3. What do most people do when they hear the funhouse character through the loud speakers?
4. Where do Ambrose and his family live?
5. What kind of tree leaves does Ambrose remember from his younger days?
This section contains 714 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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