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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Lavender?
2. Where does Jack settle in chapter 14?
3. What does Old Lodge Skins tell Jack he plans to do at Bent's Fort?
4. What happens to Jack when his business partners disappear?
5. What is Pa's original profession?
Short Essay Questions
1. What crime is Jack accused of shortly after returning to the White schools?
2. Why did Kane, the shopkeeper, have to leave town?
3. Where does Jack go after leaving the Pendrakes?
4. What does Jack think of Mr. Pendrake's description of sin?
5. Who comes to Jack's rescue during a fight with a mule skinner and helps him to recover from his illness?
6. Why does Younger Bear give Jack a Crow warrior's scalp? How does Jack respond?
7. What is the significance of butchering and cooking the dog by the Cheyenne woman?
8. What type of punishment do Cheyenne use to teach their children?
9. Why does Lavender believe he is related to the Cheyenne Indians?
10. Who does Jack stop from attacking Younger Bear?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is unique about the narration of this novel? Why does the fictional writer/editor feel the need to make comment about the narration before and after it is presented? Whose voice does most of the story appear in? Why? What is significant about this narration? Is the narrator a reliable narrator? Is the story true? How can the story be verified? Has it been?
Essay Topic 2
Who is Old Lodge Skins? How did Jack come to live with Old Lodge Skins and his band of Cheyenne Indians? Why did Old Lodge Skins accept and adopt a white child as his own? Why did Old Lodge Skins refuse to be a warrior chief? Did everyone agree with Old Lodge Skins' decisions and actions? What impact did Old Lodge Skins' teachings and advice have on Jack during and after his childhood? Why did Old Lodge Skins choose Jack to accompany him in his death ritual?
Essay Topic 3
What is the purpose of this novel? Why does the fictional author/editor want to tell Jack's story? Does the fictional author/editor believe Jack's story? What would the historical impact be if Jack's story were true? How many white children might possibly have been raised by Indians in this time period? Are Jack's claims realistic?
This section contains 737 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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