Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who ends up eating the apple?
(a) Pinel loses the apple.
(b) Sir Agravaine eats the apple.
(c) Patrise eats the apple and dies.
(d) Guenever eats the apple.

2. Wat do the black bulls represent in the dream?
(a) Sinful Knights.
(b) Strong men.
(c) Bad meat.
(d) A storm is coming.

3. What happens at the dinner?
(a) Pinel tries to poison Guenever.
(b) Sir Agravaine tries to poison Guenever.
(c) Pinel tries to poison Agravaine with an apple.
(d) Guenever and Launcelot kiss in the back room.

4. Why is there blood in the Queens bed the next morning?
(a) It wasn't blood, but red wine.
(b) The queen was pregnant and miscarried.
(c) The queen had a cut on her arm from the earlier battler.
(d) Launcelot broke through iron bars to her window and cut his hand.

5. Where does Lancelot go once he escapes?
(a) He boards a boat he finds at a lake.
(b) He wanders into Elaine's castle.
(c) He is killed by a Knight.
(d) He returns to Camelot.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lancelot's hair shirt represent?

2. When was the maiming sword originally found?

3. What kind of miracles occurred at King Relles castle?

4. When Launcelot goes to rescue the Queen, what does she tell him.

5. What is Percivale's greatest sin?

(see the answer keys)

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