Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens at the dinner?
(a) Guenever and Launcelot kiss in the back room.
(b) Pinel tries to poison Agravaine with an apple.
(c) Pinel tries to poison Guenever.
(d) Sir Agravaine tries to poison Guenever.

2. What is their main complaint in life?
(a) That they have no adventure.
(b) They hate their jobs.
(c) They have no wives.
(d) They have no time to do anything.

3. What is Percivale's greatest sin?
(a) Having kissed a married woman.
(b) Having had sex with a virgin.
(c) Having stolen from his parents.
(d) Having killed an innocent man.

4. When Lancelot is declared mad, how is he cured?
(a) He is sent to an institution.
(b) He is given a syrup made from special plants.
(c) He is given antibiotics.
(d) He drinks from the Holy Grail.

5. Who is the holder of the Holy Grail?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Joseph Arimathea.
(c) Merlin.
(d) Lancelot.

6. What object appears in the river?
(a) A sword encased in stone.
(b) A boat filled with treasure.
(c) A treasure box filled with gold.
(d) An enchanced mirror.

7. Who does Gawaine fight and kill in his battle?
(a) Merlin.
(b) Galahad.
(c) Uwaine.
(d) Percivale.

8. Who saves Percivale from dying?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Galahad.
(c) Guenever.
(d) Gawaine.

9. What do the brothers do to Lancelot?
(a) They turn him in to the Rountable.
(b) They leave him in the forest.
(c) They tie him up.
(d) They kill him.

10. Who translates a disturbing vision that he has had?
(a) A good maiden.
(b) An evil witch.
(c) The owner of the Castle into which he has wandered.
(d) Merlin.

11. What does Gweneviere do when she finds out about Galahad?
(a) She has Galahad killed.
(b) She adopts Galahad as her own.
(c) She has Galahad and Lancelot killed.
(d) She throws Lancelot out of the Roundtable.

12. How is Galahad portrayed?
(a) A bad person that should be killed.
(b) Very positively, "Saint-like."
(c) As a decent man but not a saint.
(d) Negatively, everyone hates him.

13. Who finds Lancelot?
(a) Gweneviere.
(b) Bliant and Selivant.
(c) Bliant only.
(d) Selivant only.

14. What was the cost of being in the Roundtable?
(a) Knights just had to be good jousters and good speakers.
(b) Very low, as long as a Knight was physically strong, he could join.
(c) Giving up a family and personal life.
(d) It was very high, almost one million dollars worth.

15. What does Guevener do to show she loves all the Knights equally?
(a) She gives them jewels and gold.
(b) She invites them to the castle for a play.
(c) She invites them over for a nice dinner.
(d) She gets them all new armor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Guevener's reaction to Launcelot?

2. How old is King Evelake?

3. Who plots against Launcelot and Guenever?

4. Who takes Percivale to the ship?

5. Where does the lady on horseback take Lancelot?

(see the answer keys)

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