The Last Command Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Command Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many children is Leia planning to have?

2. How does Han respond to Mara's Imperial background when Luke updates him?

3. What is mentioned about Admiral Ackbar in Chapter 2?

4. How many men, led by Maj. Himron, does Thrawn prepare to invade the Imperial palace in Chapter 6?

5. What does the Drinking Cup depend on the tides for?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arrangement does Luke work out with Talon Karrde?

2. What suggestion does Leia make at the Council meeting in Coruscant in Chapter 5?

3. What motivates Mara to remember an important piece of information and help Leia in Chapter 11?

4. How are the Noghri and the planet, Honoghr, described?

5. How does C'baoth overtake the planet Ukio?

6. What is the ysalamiri and how is it used on Poderis?

7. What secret plan is made by Luke, Leia, and Han?

8. How do Mara, Bel Iblis, and Lando deal with the intruders at the Palace?

9. What causes Lando and Bel Iblis to be concerned about the Palace Security?

10. What suggestion does Leia make in Chapter 8 to Mara?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The confrontation at Mt. Tantiss is an important part of the epic finale to The Last Command.

1) Describe how the Rebels enter the mountain and the importance of Mara's memory in their plan.

2) Explain how C'baoth is imprisoned and released and his use of the ysalamiri.

3) Describe the development of Luke's clone, Luuke, the battle between Luke and his clone, and how Mara breaks free from the Emperor.

4) Explain Luke's offers to C'baoth, why C'baoth must keep Luke and Mara alive, and C'baoth's death.

5) Analyze the effects of the battle for Luke and Mara, Luke's gift to Mara, and what their future is in the New Republic.

Essay Topic 2

The Imperial "hit and fade" operation causes major problems for the New Republic and the city of Coruscant.

1) Describe Thrawn's hit and fade operation in detail along with how it is executed.

2) Explain the Rebel's attempts to stop Thrawn from launching the hit and fade operation on Coruscant.

3) Describe the methods that the New Republic uses to locate and capture the cloaked asteroids released by Thrawn.

Essay Topic 3

The Noghri are an important part of the plot in The Last Command.

1) Describe the planet Honoghr, its past problems, and how they were resolved.

2) Explain what the Noghri have experienced with the Empire and how that influences the story.

3) Describe the loyalty of the Noghri to Luke and Leia and its origin.

(see the answer keys)

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