The Last Command Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Command Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is with Leia as she and Han make their way to the battling Lukes?
(a) The vornskrs and the noghri.
(b) Karrde, the vornskrs, and the noghri.
(c) Karrde and the noghri.
(d) Karrde and the vornskrs.

2. How long is the battle at Xa Fel before the Rebels retreat?
(a) Fifty hours.
(b) Twenty hours.
(c) Forty hours.
(d) Thirty hours.

3. How does Wedge consider smugglers?
(a) As mercenaries and scum.
(b) Only as allies.
(c) As mercenaries, but allies.
(d) He does not give his opinion of them.

4. According to the information retrieved in Chapter 17, how many Star Destroyers are nearly complete at Ord Trasi?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

5. Breaking his silence, what frightens Fey'lya about the location of the Emperor's storehouse in Chapter 20?
(a) The unintended consequences of attacking it.
(b) The unanticipated weapons.
(c) The forcefield around it.
(d) The mountain.

6. How many stories of circular balconies are storing the cloning cylinders inside of the mountain?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Eight.
(c) Four.
(d) Ten.

7. What color is the planet that the Millennium Falcon lands on in Chapter 16?
(a) Green and orange.
(b) Blue and green.
(c) Blue and red.
(d) Orange and yellow.

8. Why does Bel Iblis doubt the number of asteroids heading towards Coruscant?
(a) Many of them have drifted into space.
(b) The main asteroid was not as large as it appeared.
(c) Thrawn is not intelligent enough to cloak that many.
(d) It is expensive to cloak all of them.

9. How does Ferrier die?
(a) His ship crashes into a wall.
(b) His ship explodes from an interior device.
(c) He is shot down in his ship.
(d) He is shot while entering his ship.

10. Who does Wedge work with to create a diversion in Chapter 28?
(a) Aves.
(b) Admiral Ackbar.
(c) General Rieekan.
(d) Bel Iblis.

11. What does Karrde suggest the smugglers steal from Bilbringi in Chapter 20?
(a) A forcefield transmitter.
(b) A CGT.
(c) A Rebel ship.
(d) An Imperial ship.

12. What does Bel Iblis intend to do with the mysterious object before Thrawn pulverizes it?
(a) Disable and destroy it.
(b) Disable and capture it.
(c) Capture and destroy it.
(d) Disable, capture, and destroy it.

13. Which one of the following is not an order given to Ferrier by Thrawn at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Plant incriminating evidence in the Wild Karrde.
(b) Stay above suspicion.
(c) Follow Luke and Mara.
(d) Attend the next meeting.

14. How much time is the fuse set for by Lando and Chewie to destroy the mountain?
(a) Five minutes.
(b) Two minutes.
(c) Eight minutes.
(d) Ten minutes.

15. Whose lightsaber does Mara use to destroy Luke's clone?
(a) Leia's.
(b) Her own.
(c) C'baoth's.
(d) Luke's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who recalls that only forty seven people can hear the transmitted messages of Ghent's decrypting program?

2. How many Jedi minds does C'baoth plan to rebuild and control?

3. What addition to Luke's offer does C'baoth insist on?

4. Who stabs Thrawn, causing the death of the last Grand Admiral and forcing the Empire to retreat?

5. How does Mara agree to Luke's explanation of the Emperor's death?

(see the answer keys)

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