Kant: A Very Short Introduction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roger Scruton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kant: A Very Short Introduction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roger Scruton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Kant's subjective argument concern?
(a) Proving that the self is a substance.
(b) Proving that the self is a property.
(c) Explaining the proof that the self exists.
(d) Explaining the faculties of understanding the self.

2. What does every mistake share?
(a) Attempting to use perspective.
(b) Attempting to use conditioned knowledge.
(c) Attempting to go beyond the boundaries of experience.
(d) Attempting to make the right decision.

3. When was "Critique of Judgment" published?
(a) 1785.
(b) 1795.
(c) 1790.
(d) 1800.

4. What type of truth is "a square has four sides"?
(a) Synthetic.
(b) Irrational.
(c) Rational.
(d) Analytic.

5. Despite being dedicated to reason, which of the following described Kant?
(a) Superstitious.
(b) Unintelligent.
(c) Religious.
(d) Illogical.

6. What was described as the appearance of objects?
(a) Property.
(b) Substance.
(c) Phenomena.
(d) Noumena.

7. What did Kant have published before 1781?
(a) "Critique of Pure Reason".
(b) "Critique of Judgment".
(c) A few unremarkable, short books.
(d) Nothing.

8. What can one assume if they consider the universe in its totality?
(a) The universe had a beginning in time and that it did not.
(b) The universe has selves and it does not.
(c) The universe has contradictions.
(d) The universe phenomena and noumena.

9. When Kant attempted to use the unity of apperception to prove facts about the world, who admitted that these arguments were not generally philosophically sound?
(a) Hume.
(b) Descartes.
(c) Kant.
(d) Scruton.

10. What did Descartes argue was the first and most certain piece of knowledge?
(a) One has an identity.
(b) One is a human being.
(c) One is a thinking self.
(d) One is an intelligent self.

11. Which of the following is an example of antinomy?
(a) The cat is gray. Another cat is also gray.
(b) The dog is brown. The dog has white spots.
(c) The cat eats food. The cat drinks water.
(d) The cat is on the chair. The cat is not on the chair.

12. Why does noumena serve a negative role in Kant's philosophy?
(a) It is logically impossible to know what a thing is in itself.
(b) Noumena are generally negative objects.
(c) It is logically impossible to know what role noumena play in phenomena.
(d) Kant's system does not acknowledge the existence of noumena.

13. What do phenomena represent?
(a) Real objects.
(b) Irrational beings.
(c) Rational beings.
(d) Self-consciousness.

14. According to Hume, what does all knowledge come through?
(a) Senses.
(b) Experience.
(c) Logic.
(d) Reason.

15. According to Kant, what does the notion of change imply?
(a) Some mediums are constantly changing.
(b) Some mediums only exist in the past.
(c) Some mediums are unchanged.
(d) Some mediums will only exist in the future.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Kant compare the knowledge of a soul to?

2. What philosophical school did Hume belong to?

3. Which of the following is described as being inaccessible to humanity?

4. What did "Critique of Judgment" deal with?

5. When was "Critique of Practical Reason" published?

(see the answer keys)

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