Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Medium

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is supposed to arrive via rail the day of the holiday in Part III, Chapter 42, which has the men so excited?
(a) Women.
(b) Water.
(c) Food.
(d) Clothes.

2. What does Catesby say to a fellow soldier right before he dies?
(a) "I will not give up fighting until every man and boy is dead."
(b) "The Union soldiers will not give up fighting until every man and boy is dead."
(c) "Virginians would fight until every man and boy was dead."
(d) Georgians will not give up fighting until every man and boy is dead."

3. What is the name of Silas's ship that he is awaiting the arrival of in Part IV, Chapter 53?
(a) Silly Sally.
(b) Crazy Harry.
(c) Funny Farrell.
(d) Wild Darrell.

4. Where is Duncan staying at the beginning of Part IV, Chapter 60?
(a) A hospital in South Carolina.
(b) A military institution in Virginia.
(c) Stratford Plantation.
(d) Uther Botkin's place.

5. After saying some things that Jesse and the men working alongside him in Washington do not like, what does the recruiter say that gains Jesse's attention?
(a) He says that white men are better soldiers.
(b) He says that Lincoln is the reason that blacks are free to make a choice for themselves.
(c) He says that they have to decide for themselves what to fight for.
(d) He says that they will be paid to be soldiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Catesby's son not a help to his family?

2. What does a recruiter for the army say to Jesse and the men working alongside him in Washington that they do not care for?

3. Duncan is somewhat annoyed by the Confederate President at the event. What does he ask him?

4. How does Jesse feel about giving his money to the surgeon, who says he will put it into a savings account?

5. Catesby writes a letter to his wife. Whom does he urge her to keep an eye on?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Jesse's men react after he reads them the Gettysburg Address?

2. While leading the A Company near Fairfax City, Virginia, what does the surgeon named Potts remind Jesse to have his men do?

3. How does Catesby die after the battle in Spotsylvania?

4. What do Marguerite's grown children tell the girl who has been interviewing her at the birthday party?

5. What do the Union soldiers take when they stop Marguerite and her servants on the road as they leave Wilmington?

6. While traveling on their way home from a prayer meeting, what does young Seth Danzinger talk about with Alexander?

7. After pulling over the Danzinger family's buggy, what do the renegades order Alexander to do after they question Seth about being a spy?

8. How does Jesse describe Abraham Lincoln after he sees him coming down the road in Part IV, Chapter 52?

9. After being captured, why are the black soldiers pleading with the Confederates to be released?

10. What happens at the Appomattox Courthouse that Duncan and Thomas Byrd are present at in Part IV, Chapter 68?

(see the answer keys)

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