Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Marguerite and her servants preparing to leave when they are beset by Union soldiers on the road?
(a) Charleston.
(b) Wilmington.
(c) Lexington.
(d) Richmond.

2. Where are Jesse and his company assigned to work in Part IV, Chapter 52?
(a) On a dock.
(b) Building a bridge.
(c) At a factory.
(d) Cleaning latrines.

3. In Part IV, Chapter 52, whom does Jesse and his company see coming down the road?
(a) Abraham Lincoln.
(b) Ulysses S Grant.
(c) Robert E. Lee.
(d) Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson.

4. What is supposed to arrive via rail the day of the holiday in Part III, Chapter 42, which has the men so excited?
(a) Women.
(b) Clothes.
(c) Food.
(d) Water.

5. How old is the newspaper that Jesse reads to his men about the Gettysburg Address?
(a) Two days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Four days.
(d) One week.

6. At the beginning of Part III, Chapter 37, who are washing the corpse of Uther Botkin?
(a) Opal and Franky.
(b) Susie and Jack.
(c) Martha and Jacob.
(d) Anna and Jesse.

7. After one of her servants leaves her on the road, what does Marguerite use to carry a small ham and some other small belongings?
(a) A sling.
(b) A handbag.
(c) A small cart.
(d) A suitcase.

8. Whom does Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife hesitate to visit but eventually goes to see in Part III, Chapter 39?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Alexander.
(d) Samuel.

9. What is Jesse teaching to others in the army before he hears men singing?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Reading.
(c) Math.
(d) Singing.

10. What is the name of Catesby's bunkmate in Part III, Chapter 42?
(a) Private Mitchell.
(b) Private Mark.
(c) Private Russell.
(d) Private Randall.

11. After saying some things that Jesse and the men working alongside him in Washington do not like, what does the recruiter say that gains Jesse's attention?
(a) He says that Lincoln is the reason that blacks are free to make a choice for themselves.
(b) He says that white men are better soldiers.
(c) He says that they will be paid to be soldiers.
(d) He says that they have to decide for themselves what to fight for.

12. Why is Catesby's son not a help to his family?
(a) He is crippled.
(b) He is selfish and wants nothing to do with his family.
(c) He is flighty and unwilling to help unless the mood strikes him.
(d) He is sick a lot.

13. What does a recruiter for the army say to Jesse and the men working alongside him in Washington that they do not care for?
(a) That they are not good enough to join the army, but they will take them anyway.
(b) That they must join the army or starve to death.
(c) That they should join the army for vengeance against the Confederates.
(d) That they should join the army or become slaves again.

14. What does Duncan say will happen to the people of Virginia if the state falls?
(a) They will be "a demolished people."
(b) They will be "a beaten people."
(c) They will be "a pathetic group of people."
(d) They will be "a conquered people."

15. How is Catesby killed in battle?
(a) He is shot several times in the chest.
(b) He is shot in the head.
(c) He is stabbed in the stomach.
(d) He takes his own life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jesse say that the "colored troops broke ranks" for when they see the man coming down the road in Part IV, Chapter 52?

2. Duncan is somewhat annoyed by the Confederate President at the event. What does he ask him?

3. Jesse travels to visit friends in a nearby company where he hears the men singing. What song does hear them singing?

4. What lesson did Jesse learn growing up that Duncan did not have to learn?

5. What is the name of Silas's crew of blockade-runners?

(see the answer keys)

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