It Test | Final Test - Easy

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It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following conclusions does Mike Hanlon not make?
(a) Adults lose something from their childhoods that let them fight it.
(b) Adults in Derry do not have clear knowledge of what is going on around them.
(c) As adults, he is unsure the Losers Club can fight it.
(d) Adults are hateful.

2. In the newly finished clubhouse, what do the children decide to make to kill It?
(a) A silver slug.
(b) A silver bullet.
(c) An inhaler.
(d) A mousetrap.

3. What does It send to kill Mike Hanlon in the tunnels as an adult?
(a) A nurse.
(b) A spider.
(c) A werewolf.
(d) Georgie.

4. The children become lost in the tunnels. When do they find their way?
(a) When they find an old worker's map.
(b) When Henry begins to chase them.
(c) After having sex with Beverly.
(d) They never get out of the tunnel.

5. Who does Bill Denbrough see hanging from It's web in 1985?
(a) Henry.
(b) Stan.
(c) Audra.
(d) Georgie.

6. Whose photo album does Mike bring to the clubhouse?
(a) Georgie's.
(b) The library's.
(c) His own.
(d) His father's.

7. Why are the lumberjacks killed?
(a) They were victims of Henry Bowers.
(b) They were manifestations of It.
(c) They were striking for unsafe work conditions.
(d) Claud Heroux hated them.

8. Who does Claud Heroux kill?
(a) The people that killed his friends, the lumberjacks.
(b) Children.
(c) The lumberjacks.
(d) The bartenders.

9. What does Bill find outside of the pumping station when they go into the tunnels as adults?
(a) It's eggs.
(b) A spider web.
(c) Patrick's body.
(d) Audra's purse.

10. What is the only way to stop a glamour?
(a) By shooting them with a silver bullet.
(b) By forgetting your memories.
(c) By using the Ritual of Chud.
(d) By chanting their name.

11. What does Audra have a nightmare about in her hotel room?
(a) The tunnels.
(b) The gravel pit.
(c) The dump.
(d) The Barrens.

12. Whose body do the Losers see in both 1958 and 1985 inside the tunnels?
(a) Georgie Denbrough.
(b) Mike Hanlon.
(c) Patrick Hockstetter.
(d) Henry Bowers.

13. Why do most of the children leave the clubhouse after they start the Indian ritual?
(a) They see death.
(b) The smoke is too strong.
(c) They think they hear someone coming.
(d) They are frightened.

14. What does Richie not see during his vision in the clubhouse?
(a) It.
(b) The Barrens a long time ago.
(c) An object that looks like a spaceship.
(d) A werewolf.

15. What comes out of the cupboard in the house on Neibolt Street, frightening Beverly?
(a) A spider.
(b) A voice.
(c) A rat.
(d) A werewolf.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who finally kills It?

2. What does Bill Denbrough see when It sends him into a mental darkness during the Ritual of Chud in 1958?

3. What character does Tom Rogan become in his nightmare at the hotel?

4. Ben tells the other members of the Losers Club about a ritual ceremony that the Indians perform. What is not involved in this ceremony?

5. Why does Patrick Hockstetter go to look inside the refrigerator at the edge of the dump?

(see the answer keys)

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