If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Bombeck cite as something that should never be considered "an act of war?"
(a) A baby spitting up on one's shoulder.
(b) A baby splashing water on an adult.
(c) A baby waking up the parents by crying.
(d) A baby throwing food.

2. According to "Are Family Vacations Legal," what was illegal in forty-seven states?
(a) Heckling drivers from other states.
(b) Pretending it was a mistake to leave one's child behind in a rest room.
(c) Singing cheesy songs in the car.
(d) Crossing state borders without making a rest stop.

3. During "Search and Seizure Rights in the Laundry Room," what did Bombeck's son claim was impossible for him to do?
(a) Put his clean laundry away.
(b) Change his sheets more than once a month.
(c) Fold his shirts neatly.
(d) Shower nightly.

4. At the end of "How to Speak Child Fluently," where had one of Bombeck's children crashed a car?
(a) Their other car.
(b) The tree in their front yard.
(c) The neighbor's mailbox.
(d) The garage door.

5. What did Bombeck's child need in order to come home from college in "How to Speak Child Fluently?"
(a) Car.
(b) Money.
(c) A promise to not try to enforce a curfew.
(d) A bed.

6. In Bombeck's imagined game show scenario, what would the woman initially win?
(a) A new car.
(b) A large sum of money.
(c) A set of furniture.
(d) An all-expenses paid vacation.

7. In Bombeck's analogy for children, why is their success bittersweet?
(a) They will soon break free.
(b) They will never come home again.
(c) A mother no longer knows their children best.
(d) They will not need to rely exclusively on you anymore.

8. What joke did Bombeck's husband once play on her in "Register Camera Nuts?"
(a) He pretended to lose their film.
(b) He pretended to take a picture of her first thing in the morning.
(c) He pretended all of their vacation photos were ruined.
(d) He pretended to take a picture of her hips.

9. What Washington bureaucrat did Bombeck decide she wanted to meeting in "Constitutionality of Drive-in Windows?"
(a) The designer of the drive-up mailboxes.
(b) The one who decided post offices should always be located far away from populated areas.
(c) The designer of the stamps.
(d) The one who decides the cost of shipping parcels.

10. What was the name of Bombeck's son's paper?
(a) "Why My Mother Is The Funniest Person I Know."
(b) "Why My Mother Gave Me Independence."
(c) "Why My Mother Loves Me."
(d) "Things My Mother Taught Me."

11. In "Illegal Possession of Junk Food," what would Bombeck sell on a trial basis to trick kids into eating better?
(a) Milkshakes.
(b) Fresh fruit.
(c) Freshly baked cookies.
(d) Fresh vegetables.

12. What was Bombeck's example of a typical topic on a game show?
(a) Current Senators.
(b) Pop psychology.
(c) Brechtian theater.
(d) Fuel formula.

13. Where did Bombeck find the dried French fry in "Warning: Families May Be Dangerous To Your Health?"
(a) Her son's backpack.
(b) Her son's shoestrings to his gym shoes.
(c) Her son's binder.
(d) Her son's saxophone case.

14. How did Bombeck sarcastically refer to the restaurant they walked into in "The Right to Declare War?"
(a) A house of horrors.
(b) A grocery store.
(c) A college dorm.
(d) A meat locker.

15. What did Bombeck predict as being the future of game show contestants?
(a) They would need to undergo training.
(b) They would have to sign a waiver.
(c) They would be used to train CIA agents.
(d) They would be forced to sign over their houses?

Short Answer Questions

1. From what months did Bombeck claim to always be cold?

2. How many people did Bombeck cite as being necessary for driving a shopping cart?

3. In the theoretical game show scenario, what would the winning currency be?

4. What impressed Bombeck most about contestant's knowledge?

5. Who was Bombeck's son bringing home at the end of "How to Speak Child Fluently?"

(see the answer keys)

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