If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Bombeck, what was not necessary for tennis?
(a) Coordination.
(b) Knowledge of the sport.
(c) Concentration.
(d) Speed.

2. What has Bombeck's family not mastered in "Is There Life After Mine?"
(a) Table manners.
(b) Basic household chores.
(c) Taking messages on the phone.
(d) Listening to her.

3. What was I.Dunno incapable of doing on time?
(a) Turning in homework assignments.
(b) Being on time for curfew.
(c) Returning library books.
(d) Letting the parents know about important school events.

4. What is the name of the little girl about whom Bombeck speaks in "Mother Mystique"?
(a) Allie.
(b) Cathie.
(c) Carrie.
(d) Stacie.

5. What did Bombeck's children claim the adults would have problems managing in "Why Can't We Have Our Own Apartment?"
(a) Boredom.
(b) Maintenance.
(c) Money.
(d) Isolation.

6. What do Bombeck and her husband wish to do in "Why Can't We Have Our Own Apartment?"
(a) Move to a duplex and give their kids the other side on their own.
(b) Move into their own apartment.
(c) Move to England.
(d) Move to New York City.

7. In what event must Bombeck's family use the manual she wrote up in "Is There Life After Mine?"
(a) Her decision to move to Paris.
(b) Her death.
(c) Her elopement with Cary Grant.
(d) Her retirement.

8. Which of the following choices did Bombeck's family apparently struggle with when it came to cooking?
(a) Rinsing the vegetables before consumption.
(b) Putting the food in the pan when it was time to heat it up.
(c) Understanding that they must wash their hands after handling raw meat.
(d) Eating enough vegetables.

9. Where did some women store their second tennis ball?
(a) Their bra.
(b) The leg of their tennis panties.
(c) Their weaker hand.
(d) Their ball-handler.

10. For what reasons did people believe Lorraine Suggs had the perfect life?
(a) Her children always kept the house perfectly clean and had their homework done every night.
(b) Her children were never in trouble.
(c) She was able to get out of the house once in awhile.
(d) She never had to deal with her neglectful husband.

11. What did Bombeck claim her husband sounded like in "If You Thought the Wedding Was Bad"?
(a) A leaky Goodyear blimp.
(b) A rock concert.
(c) A train in a tunnel.
(d) A muffler with a hole.

12. Who is Bombeck's focus in "At What Age Is a Child Capable of Dressing Himself"?
(a) Her brothers.
(b) Her best friend's sons.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her children.

13. What does Bombeck claim is the purpose of "If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits?"
(a) Escaping reality.
(b) Exercising the mind.
(c) Survival.
(d) Living the better life.

14. What was Bombeck's reaction to her daughter's announcement about the bill in Congress during "Have a Good Day"?
(a) She bought a pound of cannabis.
(b) She opened every tin can in the house and served the collected food as a casserole.
(c) She drank all of her wine.
(d) She sprayed room deoderizer under her arm.

15. How did Bombeck claim to use to help thaw out pork chops?
(a) Her bathtub.
(b) Her windowsill in the sunroom.
(c) Her furnace.
(d) The heat of her underarms.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what reasons did Bombeck want to recognize Lorraine Suggs as a mother?

2. What did Bombeck claim people only saw when discussing Tom Suggs and his career?

3. Why were operations discouraged in "Primer for the Imaginative Children?"

4. What did Bombeck's mother ask for in "Why Can't Our Average Little Family Get Their Own TV Series?" when Bombeck puts a halt to all of the action?

5. In "Why Can't Our Average Little Family Get Their Own TV Series?" what exists in order to break up the action of a piece?

(see the answer keys)

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