Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Luther's antisemitism expressed?
(a) They should not be allowed to own businesses or deal with money.
(b) They should be driven out of Germany.
(c) they should be given the choice of conversion or death.
(d) They should live off the land, their synagogues burned, and their books taken away.

2. What does Luther continue to stress in his teaching?
(a) that good works do not constitute any claim on God
(b) that good works people do need no faith in them
(c) that doing good deeds will result in salvation
(d) that faith must be accompanied by good works

3. What area is largely won within a decade of the Reformation?
(a) most of Northern Germany
(b) the northeast of France
(c) most of Europe
(d) the British Isles

4. Although preaching on the same topics, how does Luther keep his preaching fresh?
(a) by using lots of illustrations
(b) by highlighting different aspects of the subject
(c) by inviting questions from the parishoners
(d) by varying the length of his sermons

5. What law does Luther insist should be null?
(a) any demand that is contrary to the Word of God
(b) any law that favors the princes only
(c) any law that puts people into slavery
(d) any law that has different criteria for different classes

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bainton suggest about the last quarter of Luther's life?

2. What does Luther undertake to do in his lifetime?

3. How can Luther be described above all other outstanding attributes he possesses?

4. What continually comes to Luther?

5. How long does it take Luther to translate the New Testament into German?

Short Essay Questions

1. What part do publications have in the first decade of the Reformation?

2. How does Luther manage to keep the interest in his preaching?

3. What is the territorial inequity involving Catholics and Lutherans?

4. What continually stays with Luther in regard to his faith?

5. What is the attitude of Hadrian toward Martin Luther?

6. What is the outcome of the Peasant War and how does Luther end up being viewed by the people?

7. Mention some stipulations from The Twelve Articles published by Luther on the peasant war.

8. Describe Luther's typical work week.

9. Describe the international impact of Martin Luther.

10. In what way is Luther the champion of the working class?

(see the answer keys)

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