Happy-Go-Lucky Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 231 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Happy-Go-Lucky Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 231 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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David Sedaris

This person is the author of Happy-Go-Lucky.

Lisa Sedaris Evans

This person is the author's eldest sister; she accompanies him to a gun range in "Active Shooter."

Lou Sedaris

This person is the author's father.

Gretchen Sedaris

This person is the author's sister; she is a horticulturist and artist.

Amy Sedaris

This person is the author's sister; she is a famous actress and comedian.

Hugh Hamrick

This person is the author's partner of more than 30 years.

Bob Evans

This person is the husband of the author's eldest sister; he is very helpful when the author's father has to go into a nursing home.

Paul Sedaris

This person is the author's brother; he owns a hardwood floor business in Raleigh.

Kathy Sedaris

This person is the author's sister-in-law, through her marriage to the author's brother.

Dave Chappelle

The author is mistaken for this comedian in "Father Time."


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