Geek Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Geek Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lillian say is the greatest gift a parent can give to their children?

2. What does Dr. Phyllis take over that was initially Al's job?

3. How does Chick react to circus life?

4. What sick animal does Arty give to the twins for their 14th birthday?

5. What does Oly keep in the chest hidden in her apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Olympia's appearance.

2. How does Oly gain access to Miss Lick's life?

3. What does Lil Binewski do that is unusual during her pregnancies?

4. What happens when Arty asks Chick to make him a roast beef sandwich?

5. What is the significance of Mariposa and her horse's accident?

6. Describe how we first see Oly's adult life.

7. Why is Dr. Phyllis' hiring significant in Arty's climb to power?

8. What does Oly keep in the chest in her apartment?

9. What is the profession of the Binewski family?

10. What significant event happens on the twins' 14th birthday?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Arty has a very strange relationship with women. Even though he treats everyone in his life poorly, his relationships with women seems particularly damaged. In an essay, compare/contrast Arty's relationships with his various sisters and explore his relationship with Lil. How might his relationship with his mother have affected his other relationships? Consider the business relationship that Arty has with Dr. Phyllis versus the business relationships that he has with the men he employs - particularly Zephr McGurk and Vern Bogner.

Essay Topic 2

Arturism is the cult that Arty starts for his followers which seems very similar to the unusual hobby of Miss Lick. In an essay, explain the beliefs of Arturism and the process that followers must adhere in order to be accepted. Why is Alma Witherspoon's reaction to the process vital to Arty's rise in power? How does Arturism compare to what is seen on Miss Lick's home flicks?

Essay Topic 3

The point of view within the novel shifts between Oly's perspective and Norval Sanderson's perspective. In an essay, explain what you have learned from Oly Binewski's perspective of the events and what you have learned from Norval Sanderson's perspective of the events. Why do you think it was important for Katherine Dunn to explore the story through different perspectives?

(see the answer keys)

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