Future Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What industry does Toffler cite as an example of Americans' choices?
(a) The auto industry.
(b) The oil industry.
(c) The telecommunications industry.
(d) The travel industry.

2. Where else does Toffler see evidence of the psychology of over-stimulation?
(a) Disaster survivors.
(b) New parents.
(c) Orphans.
(d) Commuters.

3. What do "subcults" give the people who belong to them, in Toffler's account?
(a) An escape from their jobs.
(b) A way to spend their money.
(c) An individual identity.
(d) A way to orient themselves.

4. Why does Toffler say that adapting to change will ultimately be impossible?
(a) Because man will always be at war with himself.
(b) Because the collectve consciousness will always be struggling to process the earliest tribal memories.
(c) Because the changes take place beyond the individual's sphere.
(d) Because the individual can never internalize society completely.

5. Where does the process of preparing for the future begin, according to Toffler?
(a) With marriage.
(b) With adulthood.
(c) With examining one's own reactions.
(d) With acquiring an education.

6. What does Toffler propose as a method for dealing with future shock?
(a) Situational groups.
(b) Revolution.
(c) Subcults.
(d) Therapy.

7. What tools will be necessary to determine whether changes should be allowed?
(a) Communication protocols.
(b) Cost benefit analysis tools.
(c) Structural modeling tools.
(d) Social networking tools.

8. What evidence does Toffler use for his characterization of his society?
(a) Greed and profits.
(b) Drugs and crime.
(c) Political gridlock and stagflation.
(d) Terrorism and revolutionary political parties.

9. What development will affect how we experience choice in our democracy?
(a) Urbanization.
(b) Mechanization.
(c) Industrialization.
(d) Standardization.

10. What organizations does Toffler cite as an example of an organization that mitigates future shock?
(a) Halfway houses.
(b) Restaurants.
(c) Hospitals.
(d) Schools.

11. How do people experience their moral values, in Toffler's future?
(a) As temporary values.
(b) As mystical laws.
(c) As legal obligations.
(d) As directives.

12. What does Toffler say about preventing future shock?
(a) It is easy to do.
(b) It is impossible.
(c) It is possible but not easy.
(d) It is requires drastic changes.

13. What is affected when a person's life changes?
(a) Their psychological adjustment.
(b) Their digestion.
(c) Their immune system.
(d) Their coping mechanisms.

14. How does Toffler say can we prevent future shock?
(a) By limiting patents.
(b) By legislating the pace of change.
(c) By controlling the accelerative thrust.
(d) By Ludditism.

15. What is a stability zone?
(a) A family home to return to.
(b) A group of familiar people.
(c) A pattern of familiar habits.
(d) An adaptive religion.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Toffler say it now takes for public value systems to change?

2. How does Toffler characterize society's relation with conduct, manners, and language?

3. What effect does an increasing rate of change have on the differences between age groups?

4. In what field have some countries tried to move away from giving people free choices?

5. What effect does Toffler say familiar objects have on people?

(see the answer keys)

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